
2 humbuckers 6 positions


Hello to you fellow dudes a dudets!

I have been planning a guitar build for some time now and have gone through almost all the details, but there is one that really bugs me. Here's my problem: I'm clueless with electronics! And I have very little, if any, idea on what are my options. So I'm asking you guys, hoping someone can clear me up some things.

First of all, it's going to be a humbucker guitar (2 humbuckers to be precise.) And I want it to be very versatile. Good for me! Stewmac offers a 6 position switch. But which 6 positions? Seeing that PRS has some guitars with this config. : Neck pup, Inner coils split in series, Outer coils in series, inner coils in parallel, and Bridge pup (something like that anyway.) It seems a popular good setup but is it for my case?

Here are my major questions :

1. What the **** is that parallel and series stuff (i've been looking all over the web just to find that it's "a clearer tone") I would like to what it physically is.
2. Is a configuration like this possible?:

    1. Neck pup (with individual coil slitting)
    2. Inner coils in series
    3. Inner coils in parallel
    4. Outer coils in series
    5. Bridge and Neck humbuckers (with individual coil slitting)
    6. Bridge pup (with individual coil slitting)

3. Is there a better config. applicable to my build? (without having 10 knobs, 5 swithes, 12 mini toggles lol)
4. Do expensive electronics make difference?

Thanks for taking the time to read, and as the story tells... :rock-on:
i cant really offer advice being inexperienced, but i have a question, whats the difference between #1 and #6?  ???
Check out this switch:

whats the difference between #1 and #6? 
I messed I ment Bridge pickup ^^

Check out this switch:

That's where I got the six position idea ;)
Parallel is where current goes through two pickups at the same time, then combines at the other end. Like a strat in the 2 and 4 positions. The output isn't any louder than with one pickup, and you get some degree of that scooped, quacky, stratty sound depending on the pickups.
Series is where the current goes through first one pickup then the other, "adding" the signal together. A regular humbucker, all by itself, is two single coil pickups in series, so you already know what that sounds like - louder and more midrange. If you put two humbuckers in series with each other (as opposed to parallel, as we normally do) they will be extremely loud, high output, and all midrange, it might be a good sound for a smoking solo or lead but it's not a sound most people would use all the time. Sometimes, like with tele pickups, the series combination is really great and adds a ton to the sonic possibilities, but with other guitars, like maybe an SG with hot pickups, it won't be a very usable sound.
These sound files are from the Stratocaster Wiring Guide by Tim Swikes -

Series in phase:  http://snotboards.com/GUITAR81.WMV

Series out of phase:  http://snotboards.com/GUITAR80.WMV

Parallel in phase:  http://snotboards.com/GUITAR77.WMV

Parallel out of phase:  http://snotboards.com/GUITAR79.WMV
Hi there,

I have a similar wiring plan as Yumi.  Apart from the 2 humbuckers with 6-way switch, I will have 4 push-pull pots.

Is there anyone can share your experience on working with a combination like this?

