
$100 Build Contest - Updated with Final Rules

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Thanks for the clarification, I think I get it now. The shipping/tax thing really helps! Off to ebay to hunt...
still leaves 10.05 for finish :P

*edit* oh, no premade bodies.  oh well. doesn't sound like a bad deal anyways, for a cheapie.
Hmmm.... If a pre-fab neck isn't included, than my backburner project (largely featuring a LP body I got for $10 at a garage sale) qualifies.  But now I'm going to want to get it done sooner... 

"Pre-made bodies are not allowed"????

I've spent 3 years relicing this body I bought for $27: http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=6902.0

Was going to finally build that into my "Jack White Signature" model, but pooh on you....
knucklehead G said:
Inspired by Talkbass, I propose a build-off. Winner gets.. prestige! or something.

In the Luthier's Corner forum on Talkbass they started a contest to see who could build the best bass for under $125. They allowed use of existing parts without counting in the total - so if you happen to have a Warmoth neck and body blank, they don't count that for the total - which I thought was lame. I was talking about this on Facebook and Marko suggested making this unOfficial, so we'll see if y'all dig the idea. I think us UW guys might be a little more creative with a little less money, so I'm changing it up a bit.

One month to build a guitar / bass using $100 or less. Have it strung up and playable by Labor Day. I'm modifying this from Talkbass to say if you have wood, use it, but no prefab pieces. No bolting your old 7ender back together and calling it custom. $100 includes shipping, taxes, finishing, strings, ferrules, whatever you use. It has to be electric and it has to be playable, but besides that I don't see the need to put extra rules on it. If you want to enter a 2x4 with a pickup nailed on, do it if you must, but the community will pick the winner so consider that when designing. To make it more fun, post pics of your build process for all of us to see!

What you'll need to qualify:
Pickup(s) and a jack
Some sort of tuning thingies
Running total of your expenses - $100.00 USD is good, $100.01 fails.
Lots of photos

Who's interested?


Must have strings, some form of pickup(s), and be tuneable and playable. Due date is Labor Day (9/5).

You can use pre-existing hardware / pickups if you can find the actual retail value for us - I'm not expecting everyone to drop $100 cash, but this isn't a way to fudge the numbers. So if you happen to have a $60 pickup sitting around, hope you can build the rest of it with less than $40 in materials.

Pre-made bodies are not allowed. Necks are (Warmoth or otherwise), but will be scored separately.


oh no!!
so now taxes and shipping are counting towards the total???  :sad1:
also, I feel that 1 month is a little bit on the short side (especially since I will be unavailable to work on this for about 2 weeks this month)
from It Might Get Loud (good documentary)
Taxes and shipping don't count.. I forgot to update that in the first post.

Also the body can't be pre-made as bodies can be easily improvised. check out the cigar box in the WIP board.
knucklehead G said:
Taxes and shipping don't count.. I forgot to update that in the first post.

Also the body can't be pre-made as bodies can be easily improvised. check out the cigar box in the WIP board.

So even though I purchased a tele body, fresh cut, at the Dallas Intl Guitar show, for 30 bux, I can't use it? I'd prefer to make a proper guitar...

I'll just do it on my own for still under 100.  :icon_thumright:
Do it however you want. I started this for myself originally and just shared it here at Marko's suggestion. Do what makes ya happy.
hey Knuckle,
Yeah I know you were doing it anyway... still if we want to make this a forum activity we should put some rules in place.

on the other hand, if there is no prize money involved, and we are just going to do a "who made the nicest guitar under $100" vote at the end, maybe there should be no rules at all, except "spend no more than $100 and take pics of the process"
that way, if someone does decide to actually buy a GFS kit and enter, then he clearly won't get a lot of votes anyway..

Final random vote... do we need people to "enter" the competition upfront, or can just anybody post their pics once the competition has ended?
just so we know how many will participate.

(if there is just 3, than I probably would not bother)

I would love to hear other's opinions on this too...
I said it somewhere else before but I'll repeat it since I'm bored at work...

I'd say set a cost limit and let things fall where they will. Bodies, necks, whatever, if it's under cost it's in. That said... if you want to rule out kits and clearance/used  guitars, you could put a rule in place that the body and neck can't be from the same guitar? I dunno.. might have to work on that. I guess "outlawing" pre-fabbed bodies isn't all that bad an idea if you want to promote building instead of scrounging.

As for "judging" all I can see is maybe a class for all homebuilt, and another class for pre-bought necks and/or bodies.

The fewer rules the better, the fewer handicaps the better. That may mean establishing a few "classes"... for instance:
Homebuilt = no prefabbed body or neck.
Modified = pre-fabbed necks.
Superstock = pre-fabbed bodies and necks. Would have to clarify if kits and used guitars would fit in here or be outlawed. (Put them in an "exhibition" class????)

Any parts used from a personal stockpile would need to be counted at market value. Total needs to be under the limit, taxes and shipping don't count. Set a dollar limit and go.

Only other thing I wondered about... so a guy buys, say,  three Strat pickups but only uses one. Total "cost" would be 1/3 the total of the cost of the set?  25 feet of wire but only uses 2 feet? Ya see where I'm going with that one????

With no prizes none of it matters anyway I suppose. I wasn't really proposing the rules, just tossing out some ideas on how to include different builds. It seems once you get past the "uneder $100 and anything goes" the ruels start adding up.

Ah hell, after typing all this out I say just go with under $100 and let people figure the rest out for themselves.
anyone need a neck? - I have an old Jackson style neck that's a little beat up, but still usable. pay for shipping and it's yours.

I also have an old JB with a short lead.
Yeah, the official rule has become "Whatever $100 means to you, and have fun with it."

I think I like it.