
Recent content by sdeeg

  1. sdeeg

    Maple top, Honey Burst, Velocity - Code name: Bee

    Good question. W has so many interesting and intriguing options, but it's impossible to know what you like without actually playing things for a non-trivial amount of time. In this case I got the Gibson scale, Wolfgang profile, and based on Aarons thoughts in one of his videos the 41mm nut...
  2. sdeeg

    Maple top, Honey Burst, Velocity - Code name: Bee

    I very much appreciate all the responses I received on this forum as I was planning this build. I ultimately decided to forego the idea of a LP style control setup as it would ultimately be somewhat crowded. I don't generally name my guitars, the closest being my partscaster that I call The...
  3. sdeeg

    New to forum, new to building, loads of questions

    It's certainly worth a try. I tend to position the guitar so it feels natural with my arms, which are slightly longish, but they're not way down Jimmy Page style.
  4. sdeeg

    New to forum, new to building, loads of questions

    LOL! Wisdom :cool: I generally played sitting, but I've recently started going to a musicians workshop where we play for 3hrs in a band setting (there's a pro bass player, guitar player, and drummer to help us amateurs) and that means standing. I've tried putting the strap button at the neck...
  5. sdeeg

    New to forum, new to building, loads of questions

    I'd be interested in your thoughts as I'm working on a balance (neck dive) issue with a Tele Thinline. Do you know where that post is?
  6. sdeeg

    What Warmoth guitars have a 4 knob LP style option (and other questions)?

    W00t! Thanks for validating my suspicions. And that's a very nice looking instrument. How did you do the wiring? Any coil splitting? I'm thinking of really going off the reservation and drilling a cavity on the upper horn for a LP style switch. Need to take a look at the actual body before...
  7. sdeeg

    New to forum, new to building, loads of questions

    Great book. StewMac also produces a lot of helpful videos. I just recently watched a good one on fret dressing. They also create and sell a lot of helpful tools. Get ready to open the wallet to that pandoras box as well!
  8. sdeeg

    Exotic Lam Top bodies released today....

    You sir are a BAD INFLUENCE! Hhmmmm ... perhaps, after my taxes are done (they're ungodly complicated this year and I had to file an extension and have to get a CPA to do them), and if I get enough money back, if it's still available I'll take it as a sign that I was intended to buy it. I...
  9. sdeeg

    Exotic Lam Top bodies released today....

    Must .... resist .... 3.3lb .... burl top .... already have guitar on order .... don't want divorce ... aaaahhhhhgggg!
  10. sdeeg

    Beginner friendly build?

    Truer words have never been spoken (typed)! The idea of going back to factory guitars seems like such a compromise. Now when I walk into the guitar store I look and think .... hmmm, I can build something like that but I'll change this, and that, and I'd like these other things, etc. etc.. So...
  11. sdeeg

    New video: Quartersawn Necks

    W neck on my thinline is definitely not quarter sawn. Almost perfectly slab. But the one I got for the strat is quarter-sawn-ish. Looks like it was cut more from the center as the angle of the grain lines changes fairly noticeably. At least from what I can tell from the headstock.
  12. sdeeg

    How do you position your strap buttons?

    That's a really interesting suggestion @Bruce Campbell. I played around with it a little and found that it makes more of a difference then trying to move the bottom button. Although it changes the angle of the instrument making it hard to see the fret board. I suppose I shouldn't be looking...
  13. sdeeg

    Strat Vs Tele Comfort

    In the for what it's worth department, I did an experiment with tape and thinline and found that I'd have to move the strap button way up the bottom to get anywhere near the change I'd need (the natural position for this instrument is head slightly down from neck parallel to the ground). @Bruce...
  14. sdeeg

    Drilling through a W finish

    Thanks for that input @Hodgo! I had been thinking of putting the switch back there, but was also concerned about it being too far back. Nice to know that it's workable, and I'll keep it in mind. I've also been looking at the SG configuration, but wonder about it being in the line of...
  15. sdeeg

    Strat Vs Tele Comfort

    I'm with you on the comfort issues. My Les Paul is my least played guitar because of comfort/weight issues. My W tele thinline is only moderately played because of comfort, but I also love the way it sounds so I do end up going back to it. I'm going to be experimenting with strap button...