Recent content by kG

  1. K

    What's everyone paying for gas lately?

    $3.33 in MO, $3.53 in KS. I've got a 1300 mile move ahead of me in a few months, have to take two cars, I'm thinking about selling one of them and just using public transportation once I get to Phoenix.
  2. K

    A much anticipated explanation..,

    Glad to be back, and inspiring a constructive conversation it seems! I've been spending less time on the internet lately so expect less frequent comments from me this time around. Other updates, I'm getting married 5/13/11 to my girlfriend of a little over four years, and then we're moving...
  3. K


    Look at those claws... Cats are evil, but if I wasn't allergic to them I'd probably have one or two.
  4. K

    A much anticipated explanation..,

    @stubhead - They had me on Seroquel as a sleeping medicine at the same time they also had me on Depakote, where the doctor jacked me from 500mg / day to 1500mg / day in under a month and my hair started falling out in highschool. I got kicked off the newspaper staff's photography team because I...
  5. K

    A much anticipated explanation..,

    knucklehead G here. Hold the tomatoes, at least for the moment. This might take a while. First off, I sincerely, humbly apologize for my past behavior. Selling the bass several of you helped to purchase and quitting the forums was in exceptionally bad form, and while I have been lurking in...