
Recent content by johnnyj

  1. johnnyj

    soild indian rosewood neck finish or not?

    hi guys, soon receiving my next build and i am still undecided what to do with the neck. it will be a solid indian rosewood neck (and fretboard). i am undecided between not finishing it and using some layers of tru oil. did anybody of you have experience with rosewood necks? will the famous...
  2. johnnyj

    Planning for 2-humbucker Strat

    i have the p rails in my tele as bridge (paired with a sc neck). p90 split sounds good, but the series humbucker mode is not that awesome. all in all a good pickup, but if humbucking mode is your prio i would go for other humbuckers.
  3. johnnyj

    Planning for 2-humbucker Strat

    not sure if you already used a freeway switch and know how it feels. my journey was similar to yours: how can i get 99 sounds out of 2 humbuckers. the invention is for sure cool and its a nice unit, but with 10 way freeway i ended up on stage always confused which gear i am in and delivering the...
  4. johnnyj

    Strat Vs Tele Comfort

    the tele is a roasted alder (back) / roasted swamp ash (top) with transparent red finish
  5. johnnyj

    Beginner friendly build?

    hi and welcome to the forum. it basicly all is matter of preference, but if you want it easy, i would not recommend doing the finish by yourself. warmoth finishes are really good, so if your build does not require operations at the body for whatever reason, i would go with their finish. this on...
  6. johnnyj

    Strat Vs Tele Comfort

    yes, the tape idea is good and i will try it. regarding the velocity: i have this too and it has the same ergonomics like a tele. the body looks much different and is smaller, but unfortunately is in the crucial parts as uncomfortable as the tele (at least for me).
  7. johnnyj

    Gotoh GE1996T Floyd question?

    old topic, but just to contribute my experiences: i once tried out the 1996 in a warmoth guitar with ofr bushings in. i think the tremolo itself is a masterpiece for sure but i behaved bad on the ofr studs, even if it looked like it sit perfectly in the stud spacing. it had bad flutter behaviour...
  8. johnnyj

    Strat Vs Tele Comfort

    Hi guys, for my next build i am undecided which body to chose. historically, i am a pure strat player but i REALLY WANT to like telecasters. they just look awesome, even if i ruin their classic spirit with my custom stuff. :) my first build from warmoth was a tele and is in fact my best...
  9. johnnyj

    Bridge Radius for Straight necks

    i would prefer either a 14 or a 15 straight. in my preparation i also read the justification for mismatch wrote in some forums that jonnyhardtail and bruce now wrote, which makes theoretically sense for me, but i dont have experiences with it.
  10. johnnyj

    Bridge Radius for Straight necks

    Hi folks, i am currently considering a new warmoth build. for this axe, i would like to go with a flat straight radius with a schaller lockmeister and an earvarna nut (no locking nut). now i am interested in how to optimize the radius for this build. would you suggest to take the same radius...
  11. johnnyj

    50% Warmoth / Fender Elite Stratocaster Build with custom contour heel

    hi guys, just finished my latest guitar and i am very happy about the result. i got the idea when i saw a beautiful american elite stratocaster neck in a local store. this neck is one of the very rare fender necks that have a compound 9.5-14 radius and was fitted for the typical fender elite...
  12. johnnyj

    New White Korina Floyd Strat Project

    here a little sound sample with the final pickups (switched to SD fury and dimarzio tone zone for more metal usage).
  13. johnnyj

    Any neck dive with a chambered Strat body???

    white korina chambered strat here with a maple neck. no issues. i although run a heavy floyd, but i dont think it would be different with a lighter trem.
  14. johnnyj

    EMG Single Coil Route with Non-EMG Single Coils?

    what i did in my first custom guitar is having the emg style routing in the maple top but having the regular SC routing in the main wood, this turned our very good. i asked in one of my warmoth builds the warmoth team if they could customize it like that but they rejected it.
  15. johnnyj

    Recessed Gotoh 510 cavity

    i used a vegatrem on a gotoh route in my warmoth telecaster, it worked fine routing wise (even if there was a bout 1mm gap at the end of the tremolo that would not be needed, maybe this would be gone if you go with the american standard tremolo route, but thats just a thought). if you pause this...