Recent content by Edoardo

  1. E

    Which HB'ing PU's are the "airiest"? (Jerry Garcia excerpt)

    Yeah... I hear what you mean! It is just that, due to my somewhat poor experience, when something is advertised as "adding that natural compression!" I tend to run away from it. This is mostly because I used to own a set of high end, noiseless single coils... which were branded as "vintage...
  2. E

    Which HB'ing PU's are the "airiest"? (Jerry Garcia excerpt)

    Could you please describe how you can tell that? In my experience, I associate higher output pickups with a "muddier" tone, and compression with either a fatter, muddier or thinner tone... This ones sound huge, without losing any detail, woodiness or sparkle
  3. E

    Which HB'ing PU's are the "airiest"? (Jerry Garcia excerpt)

    What do you mean... that it is possible to play EMG pickups while keeping a clean tone? :icon_biggrin: You may or may not be aware of this: as far as I have read, Jerry Garcia played mid/high output DiMarzio Pickups for most of his career. They could indeed sound like active pickups, because...
  4. E

    Which HB'ing PU's are the "airiest"? (Jerry Garcia excerpt)

    Hello Pick-up nerds, I was wondering which kind of hum-bucking pick-ups will generally give you the airiest, woodiest tone, on a solid body guitar. For the longest time, I was convinced that low-output pickups were the way to go for the tones that I dig. I've found the lower output pickups to...
  5. E

    Classical FLAT fingerboard.

    Oh yeah, If you are a bass player, (or a lap steel player...?) you may be used to such a wide string spacing that a 48mm neck may be more comfortable to you. But hat's two extremely different ways to fret the strings! Of course you can play classical stuff on it, but I find most classical...
  6. E

    Classical FLAT fingerboard.

    I quote this reply only because I respectfully disagree with the teacher in the embedded video; here I am mostly addressing other people's points, and canissalsus, who opened the thread. EDIT: when I say "steel string", I am referring to either electric and/or acoustic guitars, as the...
  7. E

    1 3/4″ nut width on a 24 3/4" scale neck

    Thanks. I see what you mean, but they offer so many other options for an extra charge, that I found the absence of my "suggestion" to be relatively weird. I mean I don't want to start anything here, but for instance, I've never, ever seen a 48mm-wide electric (or steel string, for that matter)...
  8. E

    Offset Dot Inlays?

    I wholeheartedly second your suggestion! This is the reason why I'm going with no inlays at all on my next build. I find all the inlays Warmoth is offering to be too conspicuous for my taste. I didn't expect the dots to be so large on my neck. I'd dig the small side-dots option! In fact, I...
  9. E

    Neck swap. Bridge and pick up compatibility issues?

    Hello, Happy SSS Warmoth owner here. I would like to swap my neck, which is 1&11/16" wide at the nut, with a neck that'd be 1 5/8" wide at the nut. (and also, thinner, btw) Same ( 25.5" ) scale length Same (modern) construction Same (10"-to-16" compound) fretboard radius. Only 1/16...
  10. E

    1 3/4″ nut width on a 24 3/4" scale neck

    Hello everyone, This may have been asked before, I'd find it weird if it wasn't, but... I've just been wondering why when I select a 24 3/4" scale neck, the 1 3/4" nut width option disappears. Is there a technical, i.e. manufacture-related reason why? I've tried a few guitars with those very...
  11. E

    VOTE HERE! May 2014 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Being entitled to I certainly will!  :glasses9: Cheers
  12. E

    VOTE HERE! May 2014 Guitar of the Month Contest

    So, will I have the "least fav guitar" thing on my sig?  :cool01:
  13. E

    VOTE HERE! May 2014 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Congratulations man!  :occasion14:
  14. E

    [UPDATE! LAST PARTS ARRIVED!] Waiting for it... Gianna!

    Thank y'all pics of the assembled, completed and working guitar in the dedicated thread!  :toothy10:
  15. E

    COMPLETED. Give it a name...! offset strat? jazzcaster?

    Here she is. I am extremely happy, She looks just the way I have been dreaming her. And better. And feels great. Extremely well balanced. What would be the name of the model line, if Fender wanted to copy me? jagzcaster? stratmaster? jagtozzcaster? Also, what do you think? someone tells...