Hey everybody, I'm building a Warmoth Jaguar, this is my first time! Check out this guitar, this is the look I'm going for. Anybody have an Amber Swamp Ash body out there?? Show me a pic and tell me how you did it!!
I can't believe that in the year 2024 there are no roller bridges on the market that will drop into a Jaguar. Maybe that's my calling!
yep, thanks for your help!
Just got off the phone with Warmoth, they can NOT do a t.o.m. bridge rout on a Jaguar body.... They said that they could do NO bridge rout and I could have a luthier do it... kind of a bummer but Im sure i can find a luthier that will do it
Hi thank you for helping out! Here is a picture of the one on my jazzmaster that I like, and also a pic of what appears to be a very similar one that i could purchase on Stewmac:
Thank you, let me know what you think!
Thank you so much for that response! I'll call Warmoth tomorrow and pop the question, thank you, I had no idea that those roller bridges were predominantly a Gibson style thing. I have a Jazzmaster that has the roller bridge and just figured it was a normal thang... Merry Christmas!
About to start building a Jaguar with Warmoth body and neck etc... (I know how to play guitars but my knowledge stops there!) I want to install a roller bridge and Warmoth doesn't offer any options for that on their site. It seems that the bridge post spacing about a millimeter off (shorter)...
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