
Recent content by AlternateNosePicking

  1. AlternateNosePicking

    The Hentor Sportscaster (build complete!)

    Here's a couple quick snaps I took with ye ole iPhone:
  2. AlternateNosePicking

    The Hentor Sportscaster (build complete!)

    Cool! Post pics of the finished product.
  3. AlternateNosePicking

    The Hentor Sportscaster (build complete!)

    Took a little looking, but I found the receipt.  Check here: http://www.guitarpartsresource.com/electrical_toggleswitches.htm You want the EP-0065-3PU. Will cost you $20, which I think is steep for what it is, but it's hard to find these days.
  4. AlternateNosePicking

    The Hentor Sportscaster (build complete!)

    You do need one! That switch is fairly compact for that many poles.  Definitely something to use heat shrink wrap with. The switch position is great for playing while standing.  While seated, it takes a little getting use to. Easy to hit with your leg.  It'll naturally bounce to the middle...
  5. AlternateNosePicking

    The Hentor Sportscaster (build complete!)

    Me too!  Lol.  I had to stick to the original though, for the sake of the replica. (actually, the locking nut was a liberty I took.  I know Alex had one installed several years later, and I didn't want to be constantly out of tune.)
  6. AlternateNosePicking

    The Hentor Sportscaster (build complete!)

    Thanks!  You know, I think the first thing that goes through your mind when you consider a project like this is how to keep the result from not looking like an amateur put it together.  I actually had to order a replacement P/G.  I trimmed out the Bridge pickup hole myself.  It worked, but the...
  7. AlternateNosePicking

    The Hentor Sportscaster (build complete!)

    Here's a clip from StewMac's site.  StewMac doesn't actually sell this part anymore so I had to go searching the web for it elsewhere.  It's intended for 3 pickup guitars. The configuration is: Neck Neck/Middle Bridge
  8. AlternateNosePicking

    Advice on Attempting Hentor Replica

    I've finished this build!  It can be viewed here: http://unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=26334.msg377908#msg377908
  9. AlternateNosePicking

    The Hentor Sportscaster (build complete!)

    I posted (http://unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=24807.msg359089#msg359089) several months back asking for advice on attempting to build a replica of Alex Lifeson's white Hentor Sportscaster, a modified strat he used on the Grace Under Pressure album and tour.  I saw that Alex's luthier...
  10. AlternateNosePicking

    Advice on Attempting Hentor Replica

    For posterity's sake, a pick of the Hentor pickup wiring:
  11. AlternateNosePicking

    Advice on Attempting Hentor Replica

    Talking volume and tone pots, would it be safe to assume these were both 250k pots?  StewMac recommends 250kOhm pots for single coil and 500kOhm pots for humbuckers.
  12. AlternateNosePicking

    Advice on Attempting Hentor Replica

    Thanks, Bagman.  I have a degree in communications electronics and use to install and repair radio equipment. I understand basic reactive components like inductors and magnetic fields.  But, I still feel a bit like an idiot when it comes to pickups. I'm guitar stupid.  :icon_thumright: Obviously...
  13. AlternateNosePicking

    Advice on Attempting Hentor Replica

    Looking at pickups, and the build calls for two DiMarzio FS-1 pickups and an L500.  Can someone explain to me the rationale behind putting two identical pickups on a guitar and then switching between them?
  14. AlternateNosePicking

    Advice on Attempting Hentor Replica

    I'm starting to wonder why I'd ever buy a Strat off the shelf.  At this price, I'm able to get exactly what I want.  On the other side, how cheaply made are squires that they're moved for $200?  Sorry, this is my first deviation from PRS, where large sums of money go to die.  :icon_scratch:
  15. AlternateNosePicking

    Advice on Attempting Hentor Replica

    Excellent! Ugh, waiting 8 to 10 weeks for the parts is going to be murder.  I'm assuming this stuff fits together with CNC precision?