Warmoth Jam Eleven (DON'T TOUCH IT. Don't Point Even.)


Hero Member
Here we are guys, With this one there is going to be several different parts that will fit together nicely to form a kind of song (im sure the same chord progression over and over will get boring eventually)
So feel free to do any or all, as many time as you like!  (Sorry for the lateness but college has been pumping me) I hope to get the rest up no later then Wednesday.

The first one is Over B major and E major. (let me know if you want the guitars removed!)

With intro

Loopable File

since I have no idea what you have in mind, I'm going step down from doing the mix on this one.

btw - - you're loopable file is fargged up
hi man, sorry I didn't realise on both accounts!

I was going to do the mix myself but you are more then welcome to man as soon as all the parts are up, im hoping to have it done in a way so that they can be mixed and matched.  :doh: I'll try and sort that file out!
not sure what you mean but it's ok  :icon_thumright:

also there's no intro on the intro file?

not sure how long the solo part is supposed to be...

edit - I think you have the file names swapped since the intro one loops nicely
This sounds amazing! I bet I could come up with something cool to play over this one!

Is it okay for you that I post two different solos with different warmoths?
I'm heading for the graveyard shift on work now, but I'll be back in a couple of hours - and will start making magic over this backingtrack!

Nice job!
Is there a way you can put a 4 beat count in on the track? It would make things waaaaaay easier for the soloists.

Huh, I didn't see this topic when it was first posted. Weird. Anyway, tagging it now to keep updated, I'm definitely in! :icon_thumright:

Maybe we should extend the time for entries to next year what with all this christmas business about to happen?
yeah it will need to be longer since I think he's planning to have more than one backing part
here's my mix:


solo track:

OMG, only just realised I haven't got in on this one yet. I'll try and get something up later today.
hi guys, I think its extended because of the holidays! sorry I've not had time to get what I wanted up but I've had loads of stuff to do and get on with. (should have managed my time schedule a lot better I think) I haven't really left enough time to do the other tracks, so its most likely just gonna be that one guys! Sorry again!  :toothy11:
Very relaxing track to play over this time, very nice. I set the "with intro" track up to run four times in a row in Cubase, did one long take and cherry picked the best two bits.

Mixdown: http://www.mediafire.com/?cmplbmbbzecew8b

Solo: http://www.mediafire.com/?4l5ydsk2901cr66

Hagström Swede bridge pickup @ 50-60% and then fully open neck pickup at the end, going into GR4: Maxed out tubescreamer -> treble booster -> Memory man used only as a booster -> split into A, Twin reverb with matching cabinet and B, AC30 with matching cabinet (both clean) -> mixed 50/50 back into a space echo -> studio reverb. Quite possibly overkill, but hey it sounds good and is very responsive :) I'm getting a subtle Dumble vibe from it.
well I'm sort of OK with mine - but it's rather unexciting to me. It's a nice tone I think. I was expecting more to do later.

anyone else want to do a real track for a Jam since this one is a wash?