Vintage White vs Cream


Junior Member
My next build is a Jazz Bass.  I want it to be a buttery colour, but not quite as dark as butterscotch blonde.  Seeing Warmoth don't do custom colours, I think the closest to what I am chasing is either vintage white or cream.  I can find individual examples of these colours in the showcase, but I really want to see them in the same photo for point of reference... between automatic camera settings and photo editing software, it's hard to accurately judge different shades of white in isolation.

Anyway, that's what i'm hoping for - a Warmoth cream and Warmoth vintage white guitar in the same photo.

Thanks if you can help.
I had my Warmoth Strat painted 1968 GM "Butternut Yellow", and it's a perfect representation of Fender's "Vintage White".


  • CstmStrat2015.JPG
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I've had a couple "vintage white" bodies here, and in the absence of comparison I would have called them "cream". I mean, no way is it an "off white". It's like white that's been covered with lacquer that yellowed over a 10 year period.
I had the vintage white vs cream discussion with the guys at Warmoth not that long ago. I'm presently sitting on a vintage white strat body for a possible future project when I have some spare money and would agree with Cagey in his assessment of the color. I think by comparison "cream" would look almost more brown. From the Warmoth custom builder it almost looks like Butter Scotch Blonde is a transparent version of Cream. I think the Vintage White is a classic and goes with everything you can throw at it neck, fretboard, or hardware wise.