precut nut slot dimensions???


Hero Member
Does anyone know what gauge string slots are standard on Warmoth precut nuts??

I need to know if Im going to have to buy nut files with strings 46 thru 10  ??? 
They work with .010-046 strings just fine, but you'll still want the files.  Gimme a bit, and I'll get out the files and give you an idea of what sizes work ok
Thanks CB, I know your right about the files, I usually use 11-50 so I guess I should just get em now anyway,something tells me Im gonna want to move em up to the thicker strings for the tone and because thats what I like. Guess I was thinking about cutting corners and going lighter out of convienience.
they work perfect on 09-42, but i've fallen in love with extra light strings.
I've found that it varies a bit from slot to slot, but I've never had any that didn't benefit from filing out and down a bit. I think they provide a "good start" on getting the nut just right, but you need the files for sure especially if you like 11s. Thing is, if they were too low, you'd have to throw the thing away and start again, and you can't really dial it in perfectly till it's strung up, so it's good that they are too high and tight.

What I'm using right now is the Stew Mac files, single gauge type.  Sizes are

.013 = .010 string
.020 = .013 string
.020 = .017 string
.028 = .026 string
.042 = .036 string
.050 = .046 string

This set works for me in the vast majority of electric setups.  Some day I might get a .032 file... just to have one in case I have to set up flatwound string sets, .012's etc.

Also have a .010/.013 file that was mis ground.  Its a StewMac and... I was gonna send it back and thought... ya know this thing is perfect for marking nuts for string location, so I kept it, and I'm glad I did, since I use it every time I cut a blank nut from scratch.  I like it over an scratch awl since I can actually CUT into the new nut and it serves as a guide for the file I'll use to actually cut the slot.  For the bigger sizes, I'll start with the double sided (both sides cut the same, essentially a V notch thats .000 at the bottom), and hit it with a .020 as a starter for the .042 or .050 files.

Everyone who fits nuts has their favorite set of files, and if you want to get some, try em, and see how they work, be prepared to experiment a little until you find what you like and what works best for your way of doing things.  Or, follow some advice, like this or others, and get "pretty good" but maybe not your ideal, and skip the early experimental stages... <ggg>

Hope that helps!~
