pickguard for Warmoth Precision Bass body

Bob Hoover Ross

Junior Member
I just ordered a Warmoth P Bass body and was looking around for pickguards from sources other than Warmoth. The folks at WD Music seem to have outdone themselves in terms of positioning their company as the place to go for pickguards...but holy crap are there a lot of options!

Nine different variations on a Fender Precision Bass?!?!

Does anyone have any idea which of those pickguards will work with the Warmoth body?

Warmoth's bass is a design copy of Fender's bass, so I imagine if they think it'll fit a Fender bass, it'll fit a Warmoth. The only thing you might worry about is screw hole placement, but on a new body those holes aren't drilled - that's up to you to do. From the link, it looks like many of differences have to do with pickup/control placement, so that's up to you as well.
Good to hear the mounting screw holes are not pre-drilled on Warmoth bodies. But the (9) variants I spotted on the WD Music site all had the same pickup and control placement, so I'm wondering if there's really any difference in the body between a
- Fender USA Precision Bass
- Fender 50th Anniversary Precision Bass
- Fender American Standard Precision Bass
- Fender American Deluxe 21 Fret Precision Bass
- Fender Blacktop Precision Bass
- Fender Road Worn 50s Precision Bass
- Fender Made In Mexico Standard Precision Bass
- Fender Deluxe Active Precision Bass Special
- Fender Tony Franklin Signature Precision Bass

...and if so which one is the Warmoth modeled after?

It shouldn't be this difficult!  :headbang4:
I sometimes wonder if even Fender could tell you the difference. They seem to have 197 different names for the same instrument in every product line.

I will say this, though - the folks at Warmoth know their stuff and won't put you on hold for a week trying to find somebody who knows the answer to your question. Chances are real high that whoever picks up the phone will know the answer, so you're maybe 90 seconds away from finding out what you need.
Well, I decided to buy from Warmoth ...because, among other things, their Tort looks like it matches the tobacco 'burst body I just got from them better than any of the Tort variations from WDMusic. (Also because Warmoth's was $38 cheaper than WDMusic's!)

But the one thing WDMusic had going for them is -- depending on which of those nine P-Bass variants you selected -- they do offer a pickguard with the trussrod access notch. Warmoth doesn't, and told me explicitly this morning won't do that as a custom order.

So, anyone got a suggestion for the best way to cut a notch in a plastic pickguard? I'm guessing a Dremel or Fein MultiMaster tool would be ideal...is there a standard approach usually used for this sort of minor surgery?
