

Hero Member
New pedalboard day, that is. I just finished putting this together and playing it a little bit. It's pretty simple but covers a lot of ground. And the pedals all talk to each other very nicely - I can turn them all on and it still sounds good.
new pedalboard w wht lt.jpg
Hey! How do you find the double tracker? Useful? significantly different than, say, a chorus pedal?

Looking for new pedal ideas...
I am not sure about the double tracker exactly but I find that I only like a doubler pedal in stereo where I can hear and feel each "track"
Hey! How do you find the double tracker? Useful? significantly different than, say, a chorus pedal?

Looking for new pedal ideas...
It's very useful - brilliant pedal. It serves as the modulation/chorus on that board. It is more in the DC-2/tri-chorus vein than it is a CE-2 variant like most choruses are (e.g. no warble). It is not a subtle effect, it's very deep and lush, and the different modes - and the addition of reverb - make it even more useful.

EDIT: I just played the 30ms, and you can get a kind of throbbing (or warble, I guess) out of it - my mistake.
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Hey, Mike, do you find that Polytune pedal adequate for dialing in intonation? I need to get a decent tuner for such things.
I haven't used the pedal version, but I use this one and it's spot on, works great.
If you can wait until christmas, they usually have sales on these at sweetwater.

I saw the band Khurangbin, and they use these, and I thought what the heck. Turned out good. And I've used it to adjust intonation. It's easy, no plugging in, just clip it on, and good for when you play outside the house.

I'll get the pedal version when the planet waves pedal tuner I've used for 20 years dies. Unfortunately, it's still going strong. Probably outlast me.
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I've got a polytune as well, and it works great. Fast and accurate. Much better than the peterson fake-strobe that's totally a gimmick.
Hey, Mike, do you find that Polytune pedal adequate for dialing in intonation? I need to get a decent tuner for such things.
I would think it is adequate, the new ones are very accurate. I have an in-house tech who does all the intonation, etc, and I'm forgetting what he uses, but it's a good sized unit mounted to the wall. I know that's no help, sorry.
Hey, Mike, do you find that Polytune pedal adequate for dialing in intonation? I need to get a decent tuner for such things.
One more thumbs up for the Polytune products.
The clip on version is an excellent tuner but I didn’t find it “comforting” for setting intonation.
The pedal feels “positive” for both.
Both wonderful products.
Cool. I am in the process of building a new pedalboard that is completely independent from the pedalboard I use with my "big rig" (rack system with Marshall 4x12 cab). I too am keeping it simple with power supply, tuner, wah, overdrive, distortion, chorus, and delay, while leaving space for one more pedal if I ever want to add one.