Most out of tune Guitar vids on Youtube

It's a problem. I've seen ones worse than that, and the player seems to have no clue.

Heck, I've been in bands where the other guitar player is more out of tune, and seems to have no clue. For some people pitch is just a guide-line, I guess.  :dontknow:
A true artist plays with his heart, not with a tuner. It's a form of artistic expression. Or something along those lines.
To be fair the first time I had a go on a 12 string Rickenbacker in a shop, I just gave to a member of staff to tune, I was scared of getting confused by the sea of tuners and breaking a string, and I assumed that as they were Rickenbacker dealer they would have done it loads.  :guitaristgif:
I live in an interesting world.  Out of tune anything bothers the heck out of me and my violin player.  But at the same time, two of my bandmates are not too bothered about it.  It kinda bugs us.

I ended up *giving* them tuners.  Which one of them lost...  Now she just wants to plug into my rig to tune.  :sad:
Mayfly said:
I live in an interesting world.  Out of tune anything bothers the heck out of me and my violin player.  But at the same time, two of my bandmates are not too bothered about it.  It kinda bugs us.

I ended up *giving* them tuners.  Which one of them lost...  Now she just wants to plug into my rig to tune.  :sad:

LOL. I feel your pain. I have a bandmate who's mantra is "Dude, can I borrow your headstock tuner thingy?" In my mind I'm like "Dude, these tuner thingys are, like, ten bucks, and you're not a child. Figure it out." In real life I'm more like "Yep, here you go."

Then there's the opposite extreme. One guy I know carries along one of those big old Conn electro-mechanical Strobotuners every time he goes out...


...then spends half his time obsessing that he's out of tune. Any time you see a picture of him playing with the band, he'll be the one with his back to you as he fiddles with his tuner/guitar.

Personally, I've found the little Snark clip-ons to be remarkably fast and accurate...


...and like Aaron says, if you have to pay more than $10 you're getting ripped off. No reason not to have a half-dozen of those laying around.
Oh my.  I have always wanted a 10 string Bich, but regardless of tuning, that was painful and horrid
ByteFrenzy said:
A true artist plays with his heart, not with a tuner. It's a form of artistic expression. Or something along those lines.

If playing out of tune is artistic expression it leaves a lot to be desired if you ask me like being in tune or something along those lines  :laughing7:
This is the 21st fricking century. There is NO REASON to play out of tune in this day and age. Anyone who can't or won't, is either stupid, lazy, or both. Set YOUR bar higher, and make them step it up. Otherwise, hip-hop, dj's, and autotune will win.
I had a guy at a jam discreetly hand me a tuner recently.
Kinda like someone offering you a breath mint.
Let me introduce to Clifford...

I will cut them some slack since they are both 12 strings. 

As double A said...I have seen worse on stage!  Hell it may have even been me with a nasty CAPO placement!
My fretless bass has always been pitch perfect. It's the rest of the group that can't match my challenging microtonal inflections.  :bananaguitar:
One of the reasons I DON'T own a  12 string is the tuning.

Replacing strings is a chore for me & to have 12 to do on one guitar just amplifies that feeling.  :sad:

I have a Peterson Strobo Rack which is VERY good for tuning. So precise you have to use a sweetspot option when tuning guitars as it's too precise otherwise & will keep spinning off key... I still have my old Korg analog needle tuner, it's handy as it can be tuned down via an adjustment screw....If you play with keyboards, this is handy when the keyboard's tuning is a little too tight and you need to vary from 440Hz... Also the Kemper has a tuner and the DAW has one too....I think I'm covered for tuners so no excuse if anything starts sounding off..  :laughing7:

Despite my poor hearing I still can hear some bad tuning...and it grates my ears.
“Sorry for the tune up between time, but what the hell, cowboys are the only ones who stay in tune, anyway...”
―Jimi Hendrix - Performance at the Berkeley Community Theater, California (30 May 1970)

And after saying that, I'll be the one to admit that it drives me crazy when a bandmate is out of tune. I'm not obsessive over it, but I'll give the wink and nod when it's noticeable enough.