Gold Warmoth logo stickers: there are a few left if you haven't ordered yet...


Hero Member
If you want any, let me know here how many you want, and I'll PM you with my PayPal address. The cost os $4.00/ea plus $1.50 per order for postage.
Smadella said:
Are these like the gold/silver decals Warmoth sold back in the mid 2000s?

Warmoth actually sent him the artwork, so they're identical except the small "Made in USA" bit underneath the logo has been removed. It was a tricky transfer before that many failed at, so there didn't seem to be much point in repeating that.
They shipped a while ago, you should have gotten yours by now. I'll PM you about it.

EDIT: I goofed... I thought you were referring to the previous shipment of silver stickers. The gold ones will be mailed tomorrow.
Gold Warmoth Logo sticker happiness!
My apologies for propagating any confusion.

Looking forward to em.

Thanks Mr. Pinter your rule!  :eek:ccasion14:
Rec'd 'em yesterday!  :cool01:

Now I think I need 'em in black.  :-\

Thanks again Mr. Pinter.
I'd like some black ones, too. However, Mr. Pinter tells us his supplier doesn't do black/smoke/smoked chrome/etc.

It's a pity, but chrome will often do in place of black. It's pretty neutral, being colorless and all. Plus, a bit of accent isn't always a Bad Thing. Perhaps someday a supplier will emerge with the rare and coveted dark emblem...
Well, Warmoth used to have smoked chrome ones made... but I think their vendor went out of business. If I find a printer who can make them I'll let you all know. In the meantime... everyone should be getting their gold stickers by about now (except maybe my English friend)l And you'll notice that there is an extra sticker or two in your envelope. That's not a mistake; there were extra stickers this time so I just shared them.
Extra stickers? Ok. I'll tell ya - I don't care what anybody says about you, you're all right!  :icon_biggrin:
That's cool MrPinter. Though we will all have to acquire more necks to put them on  :icon_smile:

I'm away from the urban sprawl for a while longer so can't check the mail yet.
Got my goldies today, Mr. P!  Found an extra in the packet! Thanks, man.  You're the best.
I dig how it changes in the light.  :guitaristgif:

Hey what's the trick to linking to images/pics..  first it showed.. then it was gone.. :dontknow:
It's attached now.. 


  • warmothLogoCollage.jpg
    102.9 KB · Views: 305
Thanks for the pics... I love pictures! How about some of the rest of you guys showing us your logo placements?