Corona virus


Epic Member
In the face of the microbial threat that is the coronavirus strain COVID-19, handwashing is important, and doing so properly could save your life or the lives of those around you.  Some suggest singing "Happy Birthday" twice while you wash to make sure you're doing it long enough, but I say HOLD MY BEER.

I’m of the belief that slipping on the bathroom floor while you are in there poses a greater hazard than the disease du jour, but most definitely proper hand washing is always relevant and important. Excellent advice.
My Pharmacist wife is monitoring the situation closely.  I've never seen her more worried about something.
What could go wrong from eating bats? Pulling 'em out of a cage like lobsters from the supermarket tank.  By the way the price of lobster has plummeted due to china not buying any.  Good news is we have prisoners making hand sanitizer what could go wrong? Then there's the 1 mile cordon around a lawyer in New Rochelle, which is probably a good idea.  Then there was the corona virus conference cancelled because of ... the corona virus.  LMAO!  The panic will cause more problems than the disease.

What am I doing ... I'm eating lobster and getting really cheap airline tickets.  Maybe buy some stuff for my 401k.

Hand washing is a good idea.
We went to Costco yesterday. There was a guy standing at the entrance with a sign saying they were out of toilet paper, paper towels and water. We noticed that many other things were sold out, too. The parking lot was less crowded and the lines inside were shorter than normal.
The sooner the hysteria dies down the better. My wife’s sister was unable to get medication for her daughter because everything was bought out where she lives; my father-in-law was denied an operation for several days pending corona virus test results even though he had no symptoms nor risk factors; local school events have been cancelled; last night one of my flights was delayed over an hour for “enhanced cleaning”, it’s all a bit much. But I do continue to strongly support good hand washing practices.
My kids school district is closed today.
No confirmed cases, I think one kid / family is being tested and all of the schools are getting a big scrubbing.
We live in a county that had a significant outbreak, about 100 cases so far.

I work in a health club facility, so we are constantly working to keep members informed, but also REMINDING them to be part of the solution. In all seriousness, I don't know how many times I have seen guys go straight from a toilet stall to the fitness center without even looking at the sink.
Even if it is just cold/flu season, (a flu is no joke and who wants a cold for 10-14 days?), washing hand thoroughly is the BEST way to prevent transmission.

I tell u what, traffic has been better since this shniz broke out, lol. keep washing your hands and stop buying all the t-papes (toilet paper), this isnt the walking dead, everybody deserves to have a clean butt
We've had much worse flu epidemics in the not-too-distant past with dramatically less attention paid to them and with much worse results. The only difference between this one and the one that happens every season is there's no vaccine for this one yet. All the things being recommended now are always recommended - wash your hands, keep your hands off your face, avoid crowds, etc. - it's just common sense and should be common practice. But, it's one of those years (I won't mention what kind) and there's a deep-seated need to blame somebody (I won't say who), so the usual suspects are going batcrap crazy.
Cagey said:
But, it's one of those years (I won't mention what kind) and there's a deep-seated need to blame somebody (I won't say who), so the usual suspects are going batcrap crazy.

Apart from the fact that the rest of the world is not involved in any imagined or real blame game against any US person real or imagined.

Yes, there may be panic buying and people who are concerned but so far the USA has not experienced things to the degree that parts of Europe such as Italy have. Italy is on lockdown and many people have died.
Angela Merkel, who usually is a pretty solid person, has mentioned that 60% to 70% of the German population could become infected. That would be around 58 million people. With a fatality rate of 2%, you would be looking at over a million deaths in Germany alone. With the 58 million cases overstressing the health infrastructure beyond all imagination, the fatality rate would probably be far above 2%. Right now, in most places, we're still in the quiet ramping-up phase. When things move into the exponential increase phase, you will see your life moving into walking dead country real fast.
I will supplement my earlier post by suggesting discussion of the public policy responses to the COVID-19 threat is pretty close to the line on our ban on politics. 

I posted my original post as a giggle, because some wise guy made an app that you could put the title of a song into and it would make a poster you could use as a guide to handwashing that relies on the lyrics, instead of a generic instruction.  That's all.  Let's have a little fun here, shall we?

Bagman67 said:
I will supplement my earlier post by suggesting discussion of the public policy responses to the COVID-19 threat is pretty close to the line on our ban on politics. 

I posted my original post as a giggle, because some wise guy made an app that you could put the title of a song into and it would make a poster you could use as a guide to handwashing that relies on the lyrics, instead of a generic instruction.  That's all.  Let's have a little fun here, shall we?

Well, we post 'stay safe' messages whenever we have nasty weather in parts of the world.  What's the difference between that and this?

I am absolutely with you on that - mine was a "stay safe" wrapped in a little humor.  The part where it began to drift into discussion of media and government roles in responding to and informing us about the threat gets us close to political territory, and down that road often lies madness. 

I deeply value the community here but I recognize its coherence and kind nature depends in part on on its focus remaining on that which unites us - guitar stuff.  You guys are all too valuable to me for what we share with one another here.  It saddens me when the tone of the discourse here runs into the shadow of politics, where disagreement is sometimes worn as a badge of pride, rather than seen as an invitation to find commonality in spite of it.  I have a great deal of respect for all the members of this group - some of whom I know I have very different views from mine, politically and otherwise - who nevertheless shed their tribal affiliation in the name of sharing and mutual appreciation and exploration of guitars, music, and related topics.

This was all probably pretty incoherent, but:  Hey, y'all, stay safe, wash your hands, and thank you for being a community I love to participate in.  Rock on, etc., etc.

Maybe worth thinking a bit about the sentence which Evelyn Beatrice Hall wrote regarding the philosopher Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
When we get passionate about scale lengths, fretboard radiuses or tone woods, we already go at each others throats. Little wonder that we get pretty worked up when the subject is likely to impact millions of lives profoundly and could wreak havoc on global economy. World leaders obviously have different views on how to handle that, and we have different views as to which one is right and which one is wrong. That's okay, if this was not the case I suspect our music would never have advanced beyond beating a stick on a log and making gutteral sounds. It's part of what we are. But we should also try to at least be respectful towards each other, even if we either disagree with the other or even have completely no clue what he's going on about. That should be part of who we aspire to be.
basic flu kills like 0.1% of people it infects while covid19 is upwards of 3-6%, depending on your source, and is communicable before you show symptoms. plz keep washing yo hands. if you under 60 your mortality rate is very, very low, sure, but 3% of several million infections is scary stuff and a vaccine aint coming for at least a year or two

Edit: my source
I recommend rather than relying on facts from internet message boards or even news websites/papers/tv shows people visit the CDC website to learn what actual experts think:

People have a right to say whatever they want, but spreading incorrect facts is not helpful. People also have the right to their own opinion, they also have the right to ignore other people's opinions. Both rights should be exercised often, but I think the latter doesn't get exercised enough.
BroccoliRob said:
basic flu kills like 0.1% of people it infects while covid19 is upwards of 3-6%, depending on your source, and is communicable before you show symptoms. plz keep washing yo hands. if you under 60 your mortality rate is very, very low, sure, but 3% of several million infections is scary stuff and a vaccine aint coming for at least a year or two

Edit: my source

Steven Novella is excellent.

I listen to his Skeptics Guide to Reality podcast weekly.
He is great at helping people hone their bullshit detectors.