
Wood grain filler - defective?


Junior Member

Grettings ...

I'm considering an Ash body for my Partscaster.  I understand Ash needs wood filler for a gloss finish to look its best.  I went to the Po today and bought some.  Just tried it out on some trial pieces.  It was very dry, almost like sand, very hard to spread - did I get a bad/old/defective container of this stuff?  I expected it to be more like paste - like a spackle for wood.

Also, it turns the wood an almost concrete color - does this go away with drying?

Your thoughts appreciated,

What exactly did you buy? Your description doesn't sound right for a guitar body application; could be old/dried out/bad, or could be a different type product suitable only for an opaque type finish/filling cracks in wood. Water or oil based fillers I've used - StewMac/McFadden/Jasco vary in consistancy out of the can between thick paint and thin wood putty.

... went back to the store today, returned the tub I bought and found a tub that was already open on the shelf.  What I had was like dried concrete mix.  The same product in another tub was like yellow cake icing.

Murphy's Law!!!

... thanks for answering ...

Ah Murphy Slaw.  Sort of like Cole Slaw but made from finely chopped Murphy instead.  Good stuff.