
'wiring' for the fs1 footswitch for rivera m100


Hero Member

is it possible to use this 'schematic', if you can speak of one, to make a footswitch for my amp? when I got it, there wasn't a footswitch delivered. 

This is what the manual itself says about the switching and footswitch.

manual rivera m100 said:
Footswitch jack

The RIVERA(TM) FS-1 three function Illuminated footswitch (supplied) comes with a five-meter shielded 8-conductor cable. The connectors are 8-pin DIN plugs and jacks.

When FS-1 is connected to the Footswitch 1 jack, channel, reverb, and effects loop selection can be made through the footswitch. LED indicators on the footswitch, which correspond to their counterparts on the front panel, indicate when a function has been turned on.

When the FS-1 is connected to the Footswitch 2 jack, SLAVEMASTER, NINJA BOOST, and (in stereo models) CHORUS are footswitchable.

Additionally, there is an optional FS-2 footswitch available for monaural Combos for switching SLAVEMASTER and NINJA BOOST, and an FS-3 footswitch available for stereo Combos for switching SLAVEMASTER, NINJA BOOST, and CHORUS.

so if I get it correctly, I can use 2 fs1 switches for both jacks, to select them all? but still, I'd need to know how to solder the whole thing.
From what you have there it looks possible.  The way that they wire the foot switches might be helpful, but that might be available.  Someone might be nice and pop their footswitch open and take pictures.  Beyond that, you can probably use Cat 5 cable as a cheap source for the 8 wire cable.  The fitting that goes into your amp might be expensive though.  I seem to always find Amphenol as the company that makes the more, "out there," style jacks and plugs.  If you can get a bigger Hammond Aluminum box you could easily build it with a picture or two.  Assuming there is no voodoo involved with the design.
