
Wilkinson WVS1302P vs OFR


Junior Member
Hey everyone. I'm planning out my first warmoth build and looking for some insight. I'll be doing a superstrat build and already own a Charvel Pro-Mod San Dimas Style 1 and a Jackson DK2QM.

I'll either be going with a rear-routed Strat body or a soloist body. Having a hard time deciding, but that's not the topic of this discussion.

I will either be using a top mounted OFR or the Wilkinson bridge with locking saddles (used with locking tuners and TUSQ XL nut).

Part of me says to go with what I'm used to and enjoy, being the OFR. Another part is screaming to try something different.

I know that tuning stability with the Wilkinson is very good, but I'm curious if anyone can offer input to how it (or a Gotoh 510, since they're very similar) FEELS compared to an OFR.

Unfortunately I don't live close to a place that would have one of those bridges that I can try, so I'm quite nervous about being unhappy with my first and possibly only custom build.
Welcome to the forum.

Gotoh 510s or the Wilkinson WVS1302P will feel different to a Floyd. I have both types and variants.

But if you want to use locking tuners and a nut such as Tusq XL or an LSR nut Warmoth offers a rout for a FR Non Fine Tuner as an off menu option.

You might find this thread to be of use.

Metallic Black Cherry Floyd Rose Non-Fine Tuner Build

I do have a Wilkinson WVS1302P and another Floyd Rose Non-Fine Tuner ready to go into a pair of builds so there will be threads for those at some point.

If I had to pick one I would go for a Floyd Rose Non-Fine Tuner. A good place to get one is Stew Mac and the price is reasonable.
stratamania said:
Welcome to the forum.

Thank you!

I've read through the build thread that you linked, very nice guitar.

I suspected that a Gotoh/Wilkinson would not feel the same as a Floyd Rose. Maybe it is best I stick with what I am comfortable with and go OFR or NFT. Being Canadian, StewMac would actually be a more expensive option for me given shipping and import tax charges, but I appreciate the suggestion.
Indeed the Gotoh and Wilkinsons feel fine, but not quite the same as a Floyd.

I am in Europe and even accounting for shipping and import charges it is still cheaper for me to get a NFT from Stew Mac. The Wilkinson I think worked out more than double the cost off the top of my head and it is shipped from the UK. (Which now if I order anything from there I would be back to import charges due to changes with the UK now being no longer part of the EU single market) But I ordered it at some point last year.

Stew Mac also has a shipping program called Stew Max  which I have but may not be worth it if you don't order a lot of stuff in a year.