I bought a bunch of stuff from Sweetwater because they weren't one of the big guys, but now they've become one of the big guys! And I liked AMS, some of their specials were great. Which is true to a certain extent of all of them. Like, before MF bought Sam Ash, the Ash guys bought out all the "DeArmond" guitars, which were Guild's Korean imprint. And they sold them out for $240, $270 dollars. I wish I'd bought THEM out - go look up "DeArmond Starfire" on Ebay, or "X155" - ouch. Triple your money.... :sad1:
There's a store called Sigler that have really competitive prices on several lines of pickups, and they have them on site. But I'll still check Ebay, and there are so many of 'em you can often find an unexpected deal somewhere. Like this guy "gman" who's selling off stuff he got from a closing Washburn factory. I generally have a "shopping list" of sorts by my computer, and if I still want something for two or three months, then I start looking.
My last serious coin-dropping was on a Pigtronix Infinity looper, and I bought it direct from the owner, because I had sent him a somewhat stubbified e-mail discussing the intelligence of ANY box that has both little knobs for your fingers and big switches for your toes... :icon_scratch: I'm glad I didn't get too stubby, because he made me a special footswitch and rewired the innards so the knobs are by my hand, and the switches are on the floor. Great guy to deal with, I still have to figure it out better before I write a review for y'all because it's pretty complicated, and I still keep pushing the things that you push on a Boss RC-20XL, my old looper, to make something happen. And then it won't, but I don't think I can blame Pigtronix for that. :laughing3: