
Which is the hardest of these woods

As hardwoods go, they're all pretty soft, but generally speaking Alder is the hardest of the lot.

Here's a fun fact: hardwoods aren't called that because they're hard. It's because they're broad-leafed trees. So, Balsa is considered a hardwood while Pine is not, even though relatively speaking, we're talking the difference between sponge and rock as far as hardness is concerned.
Looking on the Janka scale, Alder was a lot lower (softer) than I thought it would be.  Basswood was close to the bottom, right where I thought it was.  There were several pines scattered throughout the list, with the non-descript generic guitar pine being just that, I have no idea where it falls.  I didn't see poplar at all, unless that's its street name.
But does it make a sound? What if you insert the cable into the "input jack" does it make no sound because the signal is running the wrong way?

What I did notice about the pines - white pines are similar to basswood in hardness. Yellow pine is harder than sugar maple. ?? And red pine? Never heard of it.

Hehehe Dude - You said hard wood.
Why is this a poll? The hardness of wood is not an opinion, it's a statistical fact.