
Where to buy good wood?


Master Member
I am looking to do a scratch build of a 336 copy...semi hollow.  I am looking for a good piece of mahogany for the body and neck.  I will also be looking for something cool for the top.  I was considering quilt maple but am open for anything cool exotic...must be a closed pore wood.  I want to keep it natural and do not want to go thru MASSIVE amounts of grain fill.

I will likely buy a pre-cut fretboard, ebony from Stewmac.  Last thing I want to do is mis-align one fret.

I get my fretboards from www.lmii.com
I believe both stewmac and lmii sell body woods and neck woods as well as book matched tops but I have never bought from there.
I get my wood locally from a company called woodcraft.  They have stores all over the US, but they may or may not be close to you.  I like that I can pick the exact piece I want.  The store near me has a woodshop that will resaw wood for bookmatching which is very helpful since I don't have the space for a full size bandsaw.
I also do pre-cut fretboards.  It cost $3 to have it done and saved me the money of having to buy the specialized tools to do it.  If I knew I was going to build 30 guitars maybe it would be worth it.
Danuda said:
I get my fretboards from www.lmii.com
I believe both stewmac and lmii sell body woods and neck woods as well as book matched tops but I have never bought from there.
I get my wood locally from a company called woodcraft.  They have stores all over the US, but they may or may not be close to you.  I like that I can pick the exact piece I want.  The store near me has a woodshop that will resaw wood for bookmatching which is very helpful since I don't have the space for a full size bandsaw.
I also do pre-cut fretboards.  It cost $3 to have it done and saved me the money of having to buy the specialized tools to do it.  If I knew I was going to build 30 guitars maybe it would be worth it.

I have two woodcraft stores near me.  I will give them a shot.
I've used LMI ,  they are solid folks.  MY favorites are Gilmer wood company https://www.gilmerwood.com/    and Volcano Guitar works  http://volcanoguitarworks.com

for binding I use Stew-Mac