
Where do you all vent

TBurst Std

Hero Member
Heh, where do all you vent?

In the efforts of Sr Leadership to report what they want, I’ve been ask to re-deliver a public document we present to our BOD.

I noted that to do so, I would need to presented the corrected data for audit purposes.

After 2 failed attempts (data previously disclosed in Q1 and Q2), it’s oddly missing.  I note this.  I get a call from my SVP asking why I making everything so difficult. I note so that none of us have to go in front of a jury or worse, to jail.

I’m over today! Too many people are promoted over their pay grade.
As a public institution ourselves, we have to subtly keep our leaders on "this" side of the ethical boundaries because it's too easy for them to want to fudge numbers since they're not the ones having to produce (and defend) them.

When the F-words start popping up (FOIA and FERPA), we take notice.
Well I guess you figured out where to vent. It's on warmoth unofficial guitar fourm . Lol
I've been retired for 14 years ( happily ) . Still I remember living in the bureaucracy . I worked full time while getting a  night school degree . I worked with and my superiors were  ivy Leaguers my last 15 year's .  I learned not to question why and except even if we shared the same rating and title I was at a disadvantage to speak my mind . Ignorant bliss can be just that if you accept it.
I guess that’s where I fail. I question anyone and everyone I desire, and will hold them fully accountable.
Title? Whatever!
Then again a decade plus ago, I remember a follow up mtg where VPs and Dirs were given responsibilities on a previous mtg.
At the mtg a Dir responded that they hadn’t done anything or had any update. I noted that per our previous mtg and the agreed upon deliverables, that was unacceptable

They said “You can’t speak to me that way”
I responded “Obviously I can, I just did”

Yeah we both got a call to HR.  The Dir got pink slipped that day.

That’s should offer some insight into my personality. LOL
A couple more years until retiring and I want to grab it with both hands. Been working in higher ed the past few years and its a parade of the unqualified and untrained being placed in charge of people and functions. The guitar actually helps a lot, and long walks.
Vent? You mean we are meant to relieve this pressure? I've been using the "bottle everything up until all thresholds are exceeded and then explode over something trivial" approach. I might have to try this "venting"...
Ah meetings...

That is an interesting question...
Well you have a point, although what you mentioned with regard to x is not strictly true...
Do you have a diagram to illustrate your proposal for ...
Your not aware that your suggestion violates procurement law?
And so it goes on... :icon_smile:
I don't vent to anyone—except my best friend whom i tell Everything™—because they go off with suggestions to be or get better but I just wanna vent, I don't want suggestions ;-;

On the other hand though, I'm a great listener. same as you, I don't judge, I don't offer suggestions, I just ~listen~ and sometimes people need just that.
yo, venting can be real cathartic, no lie. keep it all inside and you'll just generate a hate tumor.

i gots many ways to blow off steam, one of which includes doing a reverse blow on some of the dank if u know what I mean

also video games can be relieving sometimes, but i really hate when Todd hogs my PS4 to play call of duty. He thinks his user name is so clever. it's Wesley Snipes, but that's just actual name. My handle is Rowdy Roddy Sniper and u gotta admit that's a good one. way better than his. My other handle is "barack-naphobic" cuz that always makes the racists online laugh and then it's like boom! I get them banned lol. now that's what i call stress relief volume 1. As i always say it's better to be sexy and racy than sexist and racist.

Todd also carved his pumpkin back in August like an idiot and it's already decaying so i told him he committed premature e-jack-o-lantern but he didnt get it.
I think it was George Carlin who said, "So you don't like your job? There's a support group for that; it's called "everybody" and we meet down at the bar."
George Carlin was so right about so many things looking back . Glad you brought him up , I'm going to YouTube one of his shows right now 👍