
What's name of exclusive boutique-y acoustic git store?


Master Member
There is a store that specializes in really high-end, luthiery custom acoustics. I happened upon their website - once - and now I can't find them again. ??? They're somewhere in the Appalachians or other lumpy east-ish vicinity - N. Carolina? S. Carolina? W. Virginia? Does anybody know who I'm talking about.... :sad1: dang brain.
Is it Destroy All Guitars? I think they are from NC. There's a place in TN called Guitar Gallery. They have some stuff too. There's another place in NC called Dream Guitars with some interesting wares. :dontknow:
Here is a listing of some of them.

Also Boutique Guitar Shop in AR

Also ask at the Accoustic Guitar forum. A ton of the custom luthiers are there.
I am still saving for 2 McKnight's  a 6 and a 12.