
What languages are represented here?


Hero Member
We've had several threads wanting to know where everyone is from or where are you located?  I'm curious what (foreign) languages are fluently spoken by our membership as I struggle through a Spanish language translation email exchange.  !Ayudame por favor!

Aside from American English and the Queen's English what have we got?  This could be a great resource for folks with limited language skills. (Uh, like the Warmoth staff.....)
I speak pretty solid Spanish; also, very poor Czech.  If you post the Spanish phrase I can translate it for you.

My native language is English.  I can translate English emails into English for you, at very reasonable prices ;)

Edit: I'm not a native Spanish speaker by any means, so if this dude is using lots of slang I'm going to be lost.  :P
Troll :icon_jokercolor: :laughing7:

I can understand somethings in spanish but I can't really speak and write it... spanish and portuguese, together with italian are somehow alike... something like German and Dutch...
English greek and german. fluent english and greek. my parents are greek and they forced me to go to greek school.  :laughing7:
English, Spanish, Japanese, though I don't know any 'guitar japanese'. But I only speak Esperanto when tourists in central park approach me. :evil4:
Let's see:

Orpheo: Dutch, Hebrew

Markoooo: Dutch

Kostas: Greek

NonsenceTele: Portuguese, Troll

ByteFrenzy: Belgian(French kinda)

TFS: Cherokee(u-na-li-i)

Who else....?
Real, live French-Canadian here! So I guess that would be English and French.

Incidentally, if anyone ever needs anything translated between those two languages, that's what I do for a living (when I'm not thinking about, playing, or building guitars, that is). I'm just saying...  :icon_biggrin:
DangerousR6 said:
Let's see:

ByteFrenzy: Belgian(French kinda)

Ehh... only if you take 'kinda' in the broadest possible sense...
My native language is Dutch. My second language is definitely English, I did my entire primary school in English. Then it's a bit of a toss-up between German and French, I speak and read both well enough but written both are just so darn complicated... Finally, just enough Italian, Spanish and Catalan to not starve when I'm on holiday in either of those regions.

There's no Belgian as such. People here speak either Flemish, which is a dialect of Dutch, or Walloon, which is a dialect of French, or (a very small minority) German. So if we count Flemish separately, you could say I also speak Schwyzertütsch, which is the German dialect that they speak in the north and east of Switzerland.

NonsenseTele said:
9 languages? :o really impressed!
+1  Even 3 is impressive to me.

For some reason, it never surprises me when a bassist drops that kind of info.  :dontknow:
ByteFrenzy said:
DangerousR6 said:
Let's see:

ByteFrenzy: Belgian(French kinda)

Ehh... only if you take 'kinda' in the broadest possible sense...
My native language is Dutch. My second language is definitely English, I did my entire primary school in English. Then it's a bit of a toss-up between German and French, I speak and read both well enough but written both are just so darn complicated... Finally, just enough Italian, Spanish and Catalan to not starve when I'm on holiday in either of those regions.

There's no Belgian as such. People here speak either Flemish, which is a dialect of Dutch, or Walloon, which is a dialect of French, or (a very small minority) German. So if we count Flemish separately, you could say I also speak Schwyzertütsch, which is the German dialect that they speak in the north and east of Switzerland.
My bad Rene..... :doh: