
What is wrong with my amp???

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The lead channel on my Fender Frontman 212r wont work. It used to work when I gave it a good kick, but that doesn't work anymore. Sometimes the light lights up but the channel NEVER works. Gunna open her up and try and fix it, anybody have any idea what it is???

I used to get it to work by turning the volume and gain up to 10 and play, it would only sound the faintest sound and then after a few minutes it would kick in and play full sound. Does that indicate anything to anyone???
Dude, unless you know your way around the inside of an amp you should stay away from messing around inside of it. Even with it unplugged you can electrocute yourself bad enough that it could possibly kill you. Take it to a shop and have someone that knows what they're doing take a peek at it.
Well guys I fixed it. I googled it and I guess there is a common problem of these two resisters over heating and it melts the plastic circuit board until the connection is lost. I just cleaned it off and re-soldered it. It's fixed until that happens again. BUT NOW I CAUSED ANOTHER PROBLEM :doh:  I'm not getting hardly any volume. I think I mixed up a + and -  somewhere. I guess I'll tear it apart again, but I think I will go to sleep cause I stayed up all night doing this. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
mullyman said:
Dude, unless you know your way around the inside of an amp you should stay away from messing around inside of it. Even with it unplugged you can electrocute yourself bad enough that it could possibly kill you. Take it to a shop and have someone that knows what they're doing take a peek at it.
Thanks for the warning dude. :) I am actually in my early 20's and am invincible and also it always happens to the other guy.  :laughing7: Just kidding I'll be careful
I've owned two devilles that blew resistors in the preamp circuit.  Easy enough to fix, and the big Caps drain fast after the amp is unplugged...so not much worry of frying yourself.  I would replace the resistors you resoldered.  There is no +\- on them, so no worries there.

MN_JDTele said:
I've owned two devilles that blew resistors in the preamp circuit.  Easy enough to fix, and the big Caps drain fast after the amp is unplugged...so not much worry of frying yourself.  I would replace the resistors you resoldered.  There is no +\- on them, so no worries there.

I used to do some work for Mesa Boogie and I can tell you that you certainly can fry yourself on an unplugged amp.
mullyman said:
MN_JDTele said:
I've owned two devilles that blew resistors in the preamp circuit.  Easy enough to fix, and the big Caps drain fast after the amp is unplugged...so not much worry of frying yourself.  I would replace the resistors you resoldered.  There is no +\- on them, so no worries there.

I used to do some work for Mesa Boogie and I can tell you that you certainly can fry yourself on an unplugged amp.

I bought a big 10W cement resistor to drain the caps, but they were drained already.  In the deville circuit, the caps fender uses will drain after being unplugged for a short time and the standby switch left on.  I guess better safe then sorry, but I was just speaking from my experience with it.  I realise that all amp circuits are different though (even with in Fender), and properly draining the caps would be best.  Or atleast check the voltage. 
The best way to discharge a cap....

Now discharge the power supply filter capacitors of any deadly charge.  They're the five gray cylinders shown here.

Use insulated jumpers (alligator or mini-hook) to attach a 5 or 10 ohm, 5 or 10 watt resistor across each filter cap for 5 or 10 seconds.

Clip the jumper leads to the capacitor leads, as depicted in this photo.


Per the Busted Gear website
MN_JDTele said:
The best way to discharge a cap....

Now discharge the power supply filter capacitors of any deadly charge.  They're the five gray cylinders shown here.

Use insulated jumpers (alligator or mini-hook) to attach a 5 or 10 ohm, 5 or 10 watt resistor across each filter cap for 5 or 10 seconds.

Clip the jumper leads to the capacitor leads, as depicted in this photo.


Per the Busted Gear website

Yeah, this is probably something you don't want to be posting on a public message board. God forbid someone tries it and doesn't do it right, fries their self, then blames your advice. In a sue crazy society it's probably best to keep all your knowledge of dangerous things to yourself. hehe!!
Sorry to ruin the thread guys. Thank you for all of your advice but I gave up on that amp and sold it on craigslist. Now I have to get an even better and bigger one :binkybaby:
back2thefutre said:
Sorry to ruin the thread guys. Thank you for all of your advice but I gave up on that amp and sold it on craigslist. Now I have to get an even better and bigger one :binkybaby:
A Mesa?  :icon_biggrin:
Never tried a Mesa, but I am looking at getting a Vox ac30cc2. I've heard good things about them and like how they sound on youtube videos. The nearest store that sells them is like 75 miles away so I think I will be taking the plunge sight unseen and purchase off the internet. I've always wanted a tube amp :headbang:
knucklehead G said:
Is Mesa pretty much the holy grail for you guitar guys?
I think so, I want a Mark V, but I think someone on the board needs to get one so that they can deliver the verdict to all.  :icon_jokercolor:
mullyman said:
MN_JDTele said:
The best way to discharge a cap....

Now discharge the power supply filter capacitors of any deadly charge.  They're the five gray cylinders shown here.

Use insulated jumpers (alligator or mini-hook) to attach a 5 or 10 ohm, 5 or 10 watt resistor across each filter cap for 5 or 10 seconds.

Clip the jumper leads to the capacitor leads, as depicted in this photo.


Per the Busted Gear website

Yeah, this is probably something you don't want to be posting on a public message board. God forbid someone tries it and doesn't do it right, fries their self, then blames your advice. In a sue crazy society it's probably best to keep all your knowledge of dangerous things to yourself. hehe!!

should add....if you fry the sh!t out of yourself, blame bustedgear.com. 