
We're supposed to be on the radio - can you guys check?


Epic Member
Hi folks,

So - our first single on the new record is supposed to be being played on the radio on 4 stations, Specifically:

KXOX in Sweetwater, Texas
WDXX in Selma, Alabama
KSED in Flagstaff, Arizona
KVVP in West Central Louisiana

I know there are forum members in those areas (or close anyways).  Can you guys check next week and see if the song is actually being played?  BTW - the song is:


Thanks guys!
Damn trevor, that sounded good, I'll let you know if I hear it hear in Portland

That's a good looking band, and by good looking I mean good looking people, except that guitar player guy,

You lose that guy and your on to something.

JK you look good too
Do all Canadians have the same teeth?  :icon_scratch:

I mean, not like one set you pass around among you - that would be ridiculous -  but... you, and that girl, and that other girl... and the drummer, and Justin Beiber, and Prime Minister Trudeau (the Doonesbury guy).... SAME TEETH, each and every one of ya. You're all related, right? :icon_scratch:

And how did you get to be in a band with THREE chicks? Can I move to Canada? And how come Canadians can play better American country music than American country music, which nowadays consists of all the songs (and singers) that were too lame for even 80's hair-meat bands to sing?

but seriously, congratulations. You even found a polite, non-egomaniacal, Canadian way to post


- which many Americans would've blown, subtlety-wise. 
StubHead said:
Do all Canadians have the same teeth?  :icon_scratch:

I mean, not like one set you pass around among you - that would be ridiculous -  but... you, and that girl, and that other girl... and the drummer, and Justin Beiber, and Prime Minister Trudeau (the Doonesbury guy).... SAME TEETH, each and every one of ya. You're all related, right? :icon_scratch:

And how did you get to be in a band with THREE chicks? Can I move to Canada? And how come Canadians can play better American country music than American country music, which nowadays consists of all the songs (and singers) that were too lame for even 80's hair-meat bands to sing?

but seriously, congratulations. You even found a polite, non-egomaniacal, Canadian way to post


- which many Americans would've blown, subtlety-wise.
Yeah, Stubby, I like it too.
sweet-water texas is a bit out there.. I don't know if we have any board members in Abilene, who would be close enough to hear it. Congrats on being on the radio tho!  :rock-on:
Most radio stations nowadays are on the net, so you might look them up and see if you can listen over the webs... :dontknow:
and add WKSR at Pulaski, TN to that list.

Anyone have any idea where Pulaski actually is?
Says here it's in the middle of nowhere (or rather, 10-15 miles west of Chattanooga):


There are lots of places named Pulaski in the US, all named for Casimir Pulaski, a Polish general and nobleman who left Europe after he was involved in a failed uprising against Russia.  He split for America and offered his services to General Washington during the Revolution, and was killed at the Battle of Savannah.
Turns out there are a number of places named "Springfield" as well.

I was headed for Missouri one time and the flight attendant gets on the PA before we left the gate and asks that everybody be sure they want to go to Springfield, MA. I thought "How stupid would you have to be to... wait... DAMMIT!" Luckily, I still had time to catch my flight to MO, but my baggage didn't make it. Come to find out, "Springfield" is a pretty common town name, which is why they ask. Apparently, the mistake gets made all the time.
Max said:
Try to get it on the air in Raleigh, man!

well - phone up the station manager at the local country station.  They'll have a copy by now.  A local request will go a long way to get it on the air where you're at.
Hi Folks,

Well, the song is now charting!  it entered the Music Row Nashville chart at position 149 and has since moved up to position 128.  Now would be the time to phone your local country station and request the song!  Please do it and do it often  :)
add KRRV in Alexandria, LA to that list.  It's about mid way from N'orleans and Houston, so someone must be able to pick it up.