
We have found the location of the Rebel bass


Hero Member
Yeah, I admit that its a toy slapped around a guitar body, but I do have to admit that is still cool. However, I don't know if anyone could ever do the same thing with a copy of the USS Enterprise...

That bass (or one very much like it) is hanging in the window of Streetlight Records in downtown Santa Cruz.  Pretty ridiculous, but yes, cool.
DMRACO said:





Really...I guess there is a market for everything.  Is it plastic?

I think that its a plastic toy that was bolted onto a homemade wooden body. If you peeled the model of the Millenium Falcon away, I think you'd see something that vaguely resembled one of those tear-drop Vox guitars that were made in the sixties. That'd be the only way to not only allow for structural integrity, but to also give you enough sustain to hold a note for longer than half a measure, which I feel would be impossible with the use of nothing more than a cheap toy for a guitar body.

I saw this and just had a hunch everyone would get a fun chuckle out of it. Personally, I'm more Star Trek and Firefly than Star Wars, but space is whatever anyone wants it to be, I guess.
I think they are all great. Except Jar Jar and all his species, George must have been trippin' on LSD 

This man explains why I hate the prequels better than I possibly could.  His reviews are all an hour long, but they're really funny.
Welll he F*cked up with mash potatoes, you dont have the packet stuff, ewwwwww

I can appreciate all of them, i just think he has a few issues, or needs some, :evil4:

I wouldn't say i have a favourite,
I had to stop going to the Kinkos I've been going to for years because the guy who worked there one day decided that I wanted to hear him piss and moan about how much he hated the "new" Star Wars movies.
Star Wars back in the day vs. prequel Star Wars is to old time Gibson vs. modern day Gibson.  The old stuff was made out of love for the craft, the new stuff is made to make as much money as possible, and it shows in the quality of the product. 
Is it just me or is that body absolutely freaking huge across the width? Like 19-20"+
hannaugh said:
Star Wars back in the day vs. prequel Star Wars is to old time Gibson vs. modern day Gibson.  The old stuff was made out of love for the craft, the new stuff is made to make as much money as possible, and it shows in the quality of the product. 

I remember when everyone hated the Return of the Jedi and said the same thing. Ultimately the failure to appreciate something lays within ourselves. (profound statement of the day)  :toothy12:
Jedi was okay.  The Star Wars and Empire were amazing, Jedi was okay, and the prequels went further and further downhill as they went along. 

Keep in mind though, I'm a makeup designer.  I spent the last 12 years reading plays and analyzing them so I can design them, and it is my job now to teach kids how to work with a script and characters to tell a good story.  All of my friends are writers, directors, designers, and actors.  I probably think about the movies I see a lot more than the average person and way more than I need to out of force of habit. 

Also keep in mind that Star Wars was my freakin religion growing up.  I couldn't sleep for like 2 weeks before Episode I came out (don't judge... I was in high school, okay?).  I stood in line for 5 hours to see it, and it ended up being the most disappointing movie I had ever seen, until I saw the 2nd and 3rd.  I remember laughing OUT LOUD in the theater at how bad they were... as I cried on the inside. 

If you don't know why a lot of people hated the prequels, that's what those Plinkett reviews are for.  They explain everything that is bad about them, from the total lack of suspense in the battle scenes, to the personality-devoid characters, to the needlessly complicated and frankly sloppy visual storytelling.  And they tell it from a hilarious creepy serial killer point of view. :laughing7: 

Seriously though, even if you liked some of those movies the Plinkett guy reviews, I recommend watching the reviews because they are very, very funny if you have a bit of a warped sense of humor.  Especially the Avatar and new Star Trek ones.  They're all on redlettermedia.com.