M Mapleg4 Senior Member Messages 491 Aug 19, 2010 #1 Is it possible to remove the wire that comes with the Gotoh battery boxes and put on the EMG battery clip/wire or is it impossible?
Is it possible to remove the wire that comes with the Gotoh battery boxes and put on the EMG battery clip/wire or is it impossible?
O OzziePete Guest Sep 20, 2010 #2 Diagrams #4 & #5 of this pdf page seem to indicate you can adapt them.... :icon_thumright: http://www.emginc.com/content/wiringdiagrams/H_0230-0106D.pdf
Diagrams #4 & #5 of this pdf page seem to indicate you can adapt them.... :icon_thumright: http://www.emginc.com/content/wiringdiagrams/H_0230-0106D.pdf
S simple Hero Member Staff member Messages 2,101 Sep 20, 2010 #3 Yes. The stock wire is soldered on at an accessible point so you can replace the wire with another.