
Warmoth Jazzmasters compatible with Fender Jazzmaster pickguard?


Junior Member
I see the bridge on Warmoth JMs mounts on the body just under the pickguard, unlike on a normal JM where the bridge is surrounded by a pickguard. Would it be possible to set it up the Fender way and install the bridge over the pickguard without any routing modifications?
You ought to post this question on the offsetguitars.com forum, i'll bet they'll have a quick answer for you.  i seem to remember reading somewhere that the pickup routes are spaced slightly differently on the warmoth jm's, but i'm not positive.
Loobs said:
I see the bridge on Warmoth JMs mounts on the body just under the pickguard, unlike on a normal JM where the bridge is surrounded by a pickguard. Would it be possible to set it up the Fender way and install the bridge over the pickguard without any routing modifications?

With Warmoth pickguard the answer would be no. You would have to move the bridge forward and that of course would change the bridge routs & scale of the neck too..

You could buy a Fender pickguard and see if it can be adapted to fit around the Warmoth body's bridge. But with different types of bridges, you would have to modify that Fender pickguard to suit.

Another alternative might be to get a pickguard blank, and use the Fender pickguard as an outline template then drill and rout the holes you want to suit?  That's assuming the actual shape of the Warmoth JM body is identical to the Fender one, and that the outline shape is identical bar the area around the bridge.  :dontknow:
Pfobably just stick with the WM Jazzmaster, much less hassle and it's not that big of a difference.