
Warmoth Jam #4 is up

I've got 6 solos mixed, but it's always fun to get more... still 6 days left to record something and post it :icon_thumright:
I'm going to try to do one.  It's tough though because i work during the day and there are very limited hours where i don't feel like i'm being a dick to our neighbors cranking a marshall in my house.  Hopefully i can find time
jalane said:
I'm going to try to do one.  It's tough though because i work during the day and there are very limited hours where i don't feel like i'm being a dick to our neighbors cranking a marshall in my house.  Hopefully i can find time

No need to crank up the amp for something like this. I use an amp modulator program called Amplitube. I just plug in a play, but if you spend some time with it, you can great some really natural sounding tones. Once you find your sound, you save it & it's available to you 24/7 at any volume.
that's true, there's some pretty cool amp modeler stuff in the new logic i could use.  i was looking forward to cranking the marshall for a bit though.  I guess if i'm able to get to it at a reasonable hour i'll mic it up and if not then i'll just use modelers.
:guitaristgif: :guitaristgif: :guitaristgif: 2 Days left before solo submissions end.  :guitaristgif: :guitaristgif: :guitaristgif: