
Warmoth Gift Cards


Senior Member
I got one for my Birthday to aid in finishing off my current build. anyone use one before and know how it works. and can I pay the rest with credit card??
Well, it might have some numbers on it. Send them to me, and I'll take care of the rest  :toothy10:
you have to physicly mail them one of the documents you received to validate your gift cert. I think it can only be used on phone orders.

That's cool - I didn't know they did that...

I think I need to tell some folks about this...  :glasses10:
Yeah, they have to receive the physical thing.  I have used them twice, thanks, Ma.  I used one on an internet order, but they did not process the order until they had received the paper in the mail.  I did not use it on a showcase item, so I don't know if they pull the item pending the receipt of the paper, or not.  Seems like if not, you could lose a showcase item in the time it takes to mail them the paper.  This was on the old website, too, don't know if you can still do that.
man that sucks that you have to physically mail it in. you would think that you could just enter the numbers in or something. Oh well still getting warmoth in the mail soon! yes yes yes
You'll need to send the certificate in and you're welcome to use a credit card for any remaining balance.  We are working on making them redeemable online.  This option should be available in the near future; possibly the next few weeks.  Just in time for your holiday purchases!
I got one for my B-Day from my mother-in-law.  It paid for most of this:  http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=8790.0

After ordering, mail it in with the order # to validate it, and they subtract it from the balance.
Oh, Oh Oh.....this is a great idea, I never thought of this, i gotta get the word out to all my family, 

For X-Mas i want a package of socks, underwear, and $1000.00 worth of Warmoth Gift Cards.

The next thing you need is like one of them wedding register things,  What do you want for X-mass? (Or B-day, whatever)  well I'm registered at Warmoth.com    I'd like a free neck for giving you this idea, i'll settle for a pickguard screw
Oh man, I didn't even know about them.  That's the only thing I want this year Santa, and according to the local ladies I've been really good this year!  :toothy10:
pulled the trigger today

wenge/jet black ebony
warmoth headstock
1 5/8
pearloid nightswan
black tusq xl nut
25 1/2 in scale

O what a build this will be

gift card will be in mail soon!
mayfly said:
That's cool - I didn't know they did that...

I think I need to tell some folks about this...  :glasses10:

Man, 4/5 of the total body cost of "Business Time" was paid for by warmoth gift cards. They RULE for Christmas/Hannukah/Birthday gifts - you can even use them on showcase items - you call them in and they'll hold the item until you mail the gift certs in.