So, I'm really looking for something light to carry to my school when I play, dragging a 55lb amp back and forth isn't so much fun when you've got a pedalboard and a guitar or two to worry about. The Tonelab caught my eye but when I went up to the local Guitar Center and played it through a Valvetronix's speaker, it sounded horrible, everything sounded bassy and muddy, it was hard for me to find a sound that I really liked. I played the ST (smallest model), does that sound any different than the LE (I know the LE has more effects and such, but sound alone)? or did it sound so bad because of the speaker I played it through? would it be any better if it was directly plugged into the PA? I was also wanting to know if there would be something better to get a good clean AC30 sound that's easy to carry around and less than $300. Thanks