
Uh - another ebay weirdo


Junior Member

This sounds like a bad routing idea...
double post holes for those that really really really really want to use that 24.5 scale neck that's laying around.

yeah.  the back looks pretty though... shame.
I'm confused - you can drop a 24.75 or 25.5 scale neck into any standard Warmoth LP body, correct? Without moving anything?

you *could*.  if it wasn't a conversion neck it would sound terrible as the frets wouldn't line up correctly.
Oh I thought all of Warmoth's shorter necks were conversion necks.

Good thing I went 25.5 on my LP build
He basically turned that guitar into expensive firewood. I can't think of any possible way to fix that. :sad:
Hmm... I thought that ALL of warmoth's 24.75 necks were conversion..... At least, the LP and Warmoth headstock necks...
Paul-less said:
Hmm... I thought that ALL of warmoth's 24.75 necks were conversion..... At least, the LP and Warmoth headstock necks...

this man is obviously an idiot and realized that and now wants to pawn it off on another idiot.

only the 24fret 7/8 scale necks and the mustang necks are not conversion necks! if that neck is a warmoth as he claims it to be then he did it wrong! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?VISuperSize&item=220761564155

notice the neck has an extension! it is a conversion neck! and notice the gap int the neck route! holy crap like he couldnt decide how to mess this up so he did it both ways!
So I guess with this you'd have to take it apart, plug the holes, and paint it a solid color. And then you've got to find a buyer who will go along with that bridge pickup route. Man what a disaster this is, but maybe it was his first one or something.
maybe but he is obviously still confused on how scale length works, and is trying to pas the mods off as nessesary and correct. if i could get it for $100-maybe $200 then id mount the neck properly, drop it down in the pocket like the 720mod(done it once before warmoth offered that as an option) and add the correct angle so it looks like a gibson a little more. then id plug the extra holes and bring it to have some fancy inlays added to cover up the hack job and have me a decent guitar.
Ok maybe it's just late and I've had too much red wine but I don't see what the problem is here. When you order a Warmoth LP body you don't have a choice of scale length. So the bodies should work with either the conversion neck or the 25.5 scale neck, right? Somebody school me please because I have a LP body waiting for a neck and am now confused as ever as to what neck to puchase.
ok regardless of scale length warmoth bodies have a fender standard dimension from the saddles to the heel of the neck. the short scale necks are built with this dimension in mind there are exceptions to this, the exceptions include the 7/8 strat necks and the mustang neck.. what the owner of this guitar did was buy a 7/8th scale neck when he could have bought a conversion neck causing a lot of confusion for the buyers and forum members who saw it, also caused the need for mods to the body and left big gaps everywhere. all could have been avoided with the right parts and the mods could have been done more cleanly.

I see too many of these sorts of things on eBay.

There is an overhang for the 24th fret, but it does look smaller than the normal 24 fret extension.
Also, a 24 3/4 scale doesn't have the 24 fret extension as an option.

It could be a 7/8, but then he says he got it 20 years ago.
Years ago (in the days of paper catalogs), Warmoth did make a 7/8 strat.
Anyone remember if there was a corresponding neck?

You really can't be sure what he has there.
Pretty sure that's a 24" scale neck.  My 24" strat W neck has the same 24 frets and slight overhang like that.  W used to make those more frequently (if they still do at all in that headstock shape).

Something doesn't look right about that body; like it's a fake Warmoth.  Sorry if I'm being a jerk.
not to be a ball buster, but di the Big W offer 24.75 scale in exotic wood 20 years ago?

I think he put the bridge on and strung it up and suddenly had a fast lesson in intonation. Moved the bridge and realized he had ruined the guitar. the hardware looks real cheap also like it was a budget build
grabby said:

This sounds like a bad routing idea...

I only bid on guitars built by art-majors. Its a personal rule thats saved me tons of cash over
the years on Ebay.  :laughing7:
