
Truss Rod Access Problem?


Junior Member
So, I ordered a short scale bass body (unfinished) that does not allow access to truss rod adjustment at the heel. Next, I ordered a straight peghead neck from W. I just read that all straight peghead necks have heel access to the truss rod. That was a rookie oversight. Am I out of luck and have to take the neck off to get access to the truss rod? or can I get the body routed, in order to access the truss rod?
All of the short scale bodies I've seen in the Showcase, as well as the regular 34" scale bodies, all have a channel routed for heel access and truss rod adjustment without neck removal.  Pickguard, if applicable, may need removal.
So, I got the body and confirmed that there is no route for truss rod access at the heel. Should, I call W and see if i can get my neck switched to an angled peghead (wondering if they will even let me change an order like that? they said it would ship mid feburary) or just try and get it routed. I have no preference between straight or 13 degree angled peghead at this point. I don't have the tools necessary to do it myself...  planned this out for 4 months, so this kinda stuff wouldn't happen, bloody hell, Don't you pros love hearing the nubies troubles? :icon_smile:
I'm not sure I'd worry about the whole thing so much. Chances are once you've got the truss rod adjusted, you'll not need to do it again for years, if ever. I live in Michigan, and we have some pretty broad temperature and humidity swings here. Given that, I don't have neck problems. But, perhaps I live a charmed life. In any event, adjusting truss rods isn't something you need to do often so if there's some difficulty involved, it shouldn't be too hard to take.
Thanks for the info fellas. I live in the high desert, so that helps. Moved from MI, always nice to go back to the mitten. I thought that might be the case with short scale necks, good to know. :rock-on:
Yeah, Warmoth necks with the double trussrods are ridiculously stable. There's a stage move that cool guys do where they grab the peghead and wiggle it to make vibrato. If you grab the Warmoth neck and wiggle it, it just wiggles the whole bass.  :sad1: You may have re-adjust it at about six months, but by the time it'll need it again, you'll be a rock star and your roadie can do it.
The boatneck on my #1 guitar just needed to be tightened a tiny little squidge - I built the guitar in 2001.... :occasion14: