
Too Light?

If that were a single piece swamp ash body I’d say jump on it.  Actually I would have jumped on it!

What are your specific concerns or questions with a lightweight body and we would be able to better address them for you.
feather weight is a total plus . . .  so sayeth the great guitar gawd "DOHmer" ! Bow down before my Turtlenistic Fantabulousness
. . .or perish before my green turtle'd a** . :toothy12:
I would say lighter isn't a problem. I have a spalted tele with full hollow mahogany back that comes in at 2lbs 2 ounces, and I think it's perfect... :icon_thumright:
this is a problem i too have. i recently bought a fender stratosonic which being chambered is quite light - i was so taken with it initially. but after playing it for a month or so, i somehow felt more comfortable with my heavier strat - which has a mij 58 reissue body and a warmoth coversion neck. it somehow felt much more substantial and seemed to have better sustain (do heavier bodies have better sustain?). now i have decided to let go of the stratosonic and get myself a jazzmaster with p90s. i have already made the order from warmoth.
I think a guitar can be too light - and not just because of the risk of it being neck heavy. I prefer something in the middle, not too heavy not too light. My strat and Warmoth LP are luckily a nice medium weight. My Parker is pretty light but still ok. But if I play it a while and then switch to one of the others they suddenly feel very comfortable, weight wise. Not sure why. The feel more substantial I guess. They don't weigh me down or hurt my back but they feel more solid I guess (funny since my LP is hollow).
GoDrex said:
I prefer something in the middle, not too heavy not too light. My strat and Warmoth LP are luckily a nice medium weight. My Parker is pretty light but still ok. But if I play it a while and then switch to one of the others they suddenly feel very comfortable, weight wise. Not sure why. The feel more substantial I guess. They don't weigh me down or hurt my back but they feel more solid I guess (funny since my LP is hollow).

I know exactly what you mean. 

When my left hand changes position or gets heavy with vibrato, the guitar wants to wiggle around too damn much.  A medium heavy guitar just seems to stay put and be less work to play on.