
tobacco burst finish, very different ones. how can i deal with this?


hi guys.
i wanna build a jazzmaster. everything is planned, the only thing that hold me back is the finish.
the one i like he most is the Tobacco Burst, but i've seen VERY different ones.
i like the ones with the yellow-amber center, but lately i've seen just brownish ones. i know everything depends on the taste of the guy who is painting.

my point is: how can i tell these guys i want the yellowish-center type?
can i trust them?
i know it's not the general case, but the their communication with me is very poor. like they don't give a shit.
i don't know what to do.  they must be very busy
Look at black to yellow bursts in the showcase. On some woods, epecially black korina, it still has a resemblence to tobacco burst with the center being more yellow than brown.
You might also want to consider the black-brown-yellow burst. It looks a lot like tobacco, but with higher contrast. I think it's a little yellower in the center. The black-yellow burst doesn't have the brown coloration that is in the other two.

Here is a comparison of tobacco:

and black-brown-;yellow:

Good luck with your selection.
that's my point. i like the first one. i want the first one, but i'm afraid of getting something like this

and the lack of communication doesn't help


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I think the Jazzmaster body you've cited as an example of what you DON'T want is an alder body, and the sample body builder images another poster provided are ash.  Alder is a darker wood than ash, and will likely appear redder/browner through any lighter colored transparent coating.  If you are not partial to a particular type of lumber for tone-related reasons, go with the lighter colored one if you want the final result to be more yellow than brown.
yeps, that could be it, i noticed now.
unfortunately i want an alder body, because i heard a swamp ash body and it was too bright to me.

i will make some thinking
Alder and swamp ash are very similar in tone.  You might want to consider mahogany or another wood in the darker end of the tone spectrum if alder was too bright.  And to state the obvious, your pick up choice will have a far greater impact on your tone than the wood.
Does anyone know if you can ask Warmoth for something more specific within the range of variation of one of their standard bursts?

I'm wondering if they could accommodate you if you referred them to 2 showcase pictures of that finish (on that wood) and said, "like this, but not like that"?
I don't think their bursts vary at all.  The question might be "how does the wood look through this burst," but it's not like their paint shop has a high variance in color.  Every burst that I've seen in person from them (many) has been identical to the bursts of that type that I'd previously seen.  Since Warmoth is a parts company and not a "finished product" company, it's largely up to us to be in charge of what we want.  Honestly, if you have concerns, call and ask.  They've always been helpful.

edit:  I think you might be confused by the variety of bursts available.  Just find the name if the exact burst you want.

No, it's not confusion on my part. Compare these two honey burst teles:


The one on the right definitely has a wider dark area. Sometimes it's much more dramatic. Particularly with the tiger's eye bursts, one of which I hope is in my future.  :toothy11:

Hey I like that jazzmaster body - most black tipped sunbursts are way too black, and the black covers way too much. I really like the slow fade that doesn't obscure too much grain. Usually you have to go to non black sunburst to get it (honey, cherry, fire..)
i like this way better, but i wanna go with alder so i'll go for another look.


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I'd suggest you just get in contact with Warmoth and ask them to ensure you get as light a finish as possible. Bear in mind that most transparent finishes will look different under different light and alder in particular tends to end up looking slightly darker. Maybe ask Warmoth to check through and find you a particularly light-coloured piece of alder.

They may add on a little upcharge for wood sorting or whatever, similar to picking out a 1-piece body (I would assume - don't quote me on it, I don't work for Warmoth), but if you're set on getting the more light-coloured finish then the only way you can ensure you get it is by giving Warmoth a call.

For what it's worth I've got a guitar which is tobacco burst over black korina and it's surprisingly light-coloured, the burst is very subtle and it's mostly a medium yellow colour. In fact it's closer to an iced tea burst than a tobacco burst. I may have just lucked out though.
I think we all are forgetting the best solution for getting the burst you want . . . send an unfinished body to Tonar! I've seen him match bursts based on pictures before. PM him and I bet he'll let you know what's up.
Alfang: no the two shots are two different pics, but you have a good eye. The body wood is the same in both because these are screen shots of the graphic simulations in the new Warnoth Body Builder, which is in Beta Testing at present. What you see is an alder selection with the two different finishes applied.
Keep in mind also that pictures are not always 100% accurate.  Here is the mockup I did of my guitar and the body here is the picture that was in the showcase (my actual body):


and here's the completed guitar and to my eye this is an accurate representation of the color of the body (I had to fiddle with my flash location and camera settings to take an accurate pic):


He probably did this trick...

Cherry burst...

Tequila Sunrise burst...

The body build for the Strat section of Warmoth's site lets you preview representations of what a finish would look like on a typical body wood of your choice. You can play "what if..." games all day.

One of my favorites from the Warmoth Gallery  :occasion14:

Just find a pic that best represents hat you want and send it to them.  :icon_thumright: