
To whoever nabbed my Firebird body...

twinturrbo406 said:
DustyCat said:
Bless you... :sad:
And enjoy that rare find  :rock-on:

...... what year was it ???? i have a firebird for sale ....... unless you are speaking of a guitar body .......

He's talking about something in the showcase.
The cocobolo over 1 piece Mahogany, right?  Yeah, I've drooled many a river over that one.  Hopefully the owner will get some pics of the completed product, sure to be gorgeous.
ihavenothingprofoundtosay said:
The cocobolo over 1 piece Mahogany, right?  Yeah, I've drooled many a river over that one.  Hopefully the owner will get some pics of the completed product, sure to be gorgeous.

Although not the original body shape I had in mind for my neck, it was a piece worth drooling over!  :occasion14:
I was thinking a single Zephyr in the bridge for (extra explosive) "TNT Rock 'n Roll!" Sound.
Oh well, back to the drawing board, and maybe there's still a chance for the original desig :toothy10:n
Hi all ... just spotted this post ....

To save you all the worry ...... IT WAS ME  :blob7:  from Sydney, Australia, that bought the FireBird , Mahogany with Cocobolo  top !!  Yummie Yummie Yummie  :icon_thumright:

Also got a FireBird neck, Mahogany ..... sorry rest is a secret  :toothy10:

You will get to see it !!  But ...... after my next 3rd build. The Firebird will be 4th build..... boy am I having Fun, Fun, Fun 

There is one very similar, But a Bass (Thunderbird) here.....  http://www.warmoth.com/Showcase/ShowcaseItem.aspx?Bass=1&Body=2&Shape=27&Path=Misc,Thunderbird&i=bp717

Sorry to those that drooled & slobbered, way, way to long over it  :laughing7:  Cheers

Updown  :blob7:
Is this it?


Nice grab!
Updown, I think I speak for the entire board when I say: Congratulations!  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2: :toothy10:

Please do put some pics of that beauty up when she's finished!  :icon_thumright:
ihavenothingprofoundtosay said:
Updown, I think I speak for the entire board when I say: Congratulations!  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2: :toothy10:

Please do put some pics of that beauty up when she's finished!  :icon_thumright: