The Sadness of Reality


Senior Member
No, not some wannabe Smashing Pumpkins whine-fest. ;)

The Black Gold gets posted for sale, I decide to look further into the Shaper Origin CNC router instead of a full CNC set-up given the constraints of my workshop space.....and then our lawn mower dies. So now I gotta buy a new lawn mower.

Adulthood. It's overrated.
Hey - what's the issue with the mower? Any chance of fixing it?
.. just fixed mine...
I agree. Being an adult sucks, the solution is to make some time every day to do something you enjoy like 20 minutes playing the guitar, keep a stiff upper lip and press on. The sun will shine another day. And then you'll have to mow the lawn.
Yes , I’ve done a fair share of small engine repairs. Often costs less than $20. Like a total carb rebuild. My current non-riding mower I’ve done 3 carb rebuilds. Darn Ethanol.
We have a gas station where you can get nonethanol high octane gas. Works great. The ethanol wrecks small engines.
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It's a battery-powered mower, not a gas engine. Just died right in the middle of a mow. The motor doesn't even react for just the self-propelling motion, not even with the blade spinning. Battery fully charged, left to chill out overnight, cleaned the deck of any debris, etc. (the Tier-1 troubleshooting stuff).

Sat on hold with the manufacturer's customers service line for way longer than I wanted to, then read that other customers had upwards of 2+ hour wait times for either someone to pick up or to get a call-back. I bought it 8 years ago, so it's long out of warranty anyway.

So I've had to balance the ROI on either taking it apart and maybe trying to trace the problem with the risk of having to buy a replacement anyway, or just buy a replacement ASAP because the city I live in acts like a giant HOA and their undercover city ordinance enforcement agents get really excited about writing up citations. :rolleyes:

I think once I get the replacement, then I'll have a bit more time and opportunity to troubleshoot this one. If I can get it to work, then I'll have a spare to take up north. I use a riding mower up there most times, but there are a few tight spots where a walk-behind would do better.
Well that's a shame, to really get into the game you need a Haas VF3.

I'd be happy with a Mini Mill to start out with. Luckily, I have access to bigger mills (and a live tooling lathe) at my employer's facilities in case a "government project" comes up 😁 .