
Tempershift Paint (changes color at different temperatures)


Senior Member
I just saw a picture of something similar to this used on shower tiles - it appears black normally, but goes through the color spectrum when it's between 60 and 90 degrees. I wonder if it would be good on a guitar finish. Maybe paired with some of those burnt "rainbow" metal humbucker covers.....  :glasses10:


I can see the interest of a shifting color depending of orientation/lighting (such as ebmm's Mystic Dream), but I am slightly more doubtful about one that changes according to heat. I could be wrong, though.
I agree. I think it would end up looking goofy 98% of the time.

If one would want a guitar to change color on a stage, I could see a good pearl white working well for that. No matter what light you shine on it, it would reflect it.
I agree.  Seems likely the only color change you'd see would be on the back where the guitar contacts your belly; where your forearm rests on the lower bass-side bout; and maybe near the knobs if you're one of those guys who (like me) anchors a pinky there.  Otherwise, prolly not much visible change from the audience's side of the guitar.
