
Tele build!


Hero Member
Hey everyone, my tools have basically fallen into place and now my templates are rolling in thanks to my recent victory at the waffle house :icon_thumright:. I have a P-90 and a vintage strat hardtail bridge hanging around so you all know what that means! It's time for a build! I have the maple for the neck coming in and am trying to find a decently priced piece of ash or alder. I am leaving to go back to school soon, but it will get done eventually. I would like all your opinions, especially on tuners that you guys like and use.

Attached are my mock ups since I finally figured out how to do a print screen on a Mac. I don't know whether I want to do a vintage amber or trans-red. The colors on kisakae are gross, but that's ok.


  • Tele Mock-Up Amber.jpg
    Tele Mock-Up Amber.jpg
    43.1 KB · Views: 294
  • Tele Mock-Up Red.jpg
    Tele Mock-Up Red.jpg
    42.5 KB · Views: 290
Hipshots are good and moderately priced, If i could I would spring for Grovers.. I vote for the red with a dark fretboard and neck.
Made me think of this:
Ok I've got an update on this...

It's not going to be a tele anymore. Before I left for school I found some plans in my room that I had completely forgot so I made my templates out of those, I'll leave you in suspense for now. I have also been slowly collecting wood, I just got a nice slab of poplar that I can get 2, 1 piece bodies out of. The biggest thing is that I will be working in a rediculously nice shop. I have the tools at my house, but I recently went to a friends house whos dad does insanely high quality cabinetry and wood work. For instance, right now he is doing a library for a CEO of a company and his last wood shipment was 30,000$ worth of mahogany. His shop is absolutely amazing, and he is willing to help me out because he has never done instruments before and thinks it will be cool. Also I went to take a look at his "scrap" pile and found a wealth of wood that would make anyone on this forum pass out. I got a nice piece of mahogany for some necks, and a piece that I can get 3, yes 3!, 1 piece bodies out of. I got a really good deal on it because again, it was "scrap". That was just what I picked up for now, there is still plenty there. So my spring break is going to be filled with lots of exciting things, I'll keep you posted.