
Talk about fast delivery


Hero Member
Holy smokes  :o
One sale % Tele on it's way  :icon_biggrin: have in the morning (tomorrow) Fri Oz time
That was fast ...

United States       29/11/2011 19:02 Order Processed: Ready for UPS
Botany, Australia 30/11/2011 10:35 Package data processed by brokerage Waiting for clearance
Botany, Australia 01/12/2011 19:36 Destination Scan

:icon_scratch: Thought the Concorde finish service in 2003
My bass body was the same, got the email midday wednesday, it will be delivered tomorrow arvo.

although its odd, stuff coming to melbourne, flies into melbourne, goes through customs, goes to sydney, then back to melbourne  ???
chubs said:
My bass body was the same, got the email midday wednesday, it will be delivered tomorrow arvo.

although its odd, stuff coming to melbourne, fries into melbourne, goes through customs, goes to sydney, then back to melbourne  ???
Want me to pick it up  :icon_jokercolor:

PaulXerxen (nexrex) said:
Was it a showcase or custom body? When did you order it?
Yep showcase Body & Neck ... Ummm ... just a couple of days prior to the sale, But got the % of sale  :icon_biggrin:
I have bought a lot just this year thou, that may-be why I got it.
This one ... http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=18062.0
When you consider that your almost a day a head of them, that really was fast!!
Hope mine gets here as quick!