
Stupid fun

Patrick from Davis

Hero Member
So a friend had an idea for a boost pedal, and I carried it out.  This is an AMZ clean boost with a BS170 MOSFET transistor running the show.  Just stupid fun...


Yes, the text was taken from the movie poster and photoshopped (actually gimped) so that it said Boost rather than Boot.  The number of times Jürgen Prochnow is mentioned in conversations with my friend is becoming annoying.  Oh well, I deserve it I suppose.

I make pedals for fun, and yes that is Davis, CA.  Generally the pedals are clones of verified designs, but messing with caps, resistors, diodes or transistors is well within my capability.  As far as making a profit, not really interested.  It is too much time/work to churn them out for the return.

Ya know, that's a really good name for the pedal!  I think sometimes that for boutique pedals the name alone actually sells them...
Patrick from Davis said:
I make pedals for fun, and yes that is Davis, CA.  Generally the pedals are clones of verified designs, but messing with caps, resistors, diodes or transistors is well within my capability.  As far as making a profit, not really interested.  It is too much time/work to churn them out for the return.

Cool, man! I'm in Midtown Sac.

I hear you about effort versus return, though.  :sad1:

The 1981 movie Das Boot, Jürgen Prochnow quotes in conversation, and all of it because of the similarity to the word boost.  It is a poor attempt at humor, that turns out to be funny.  Thus, on the whole it is stupid fun.
