
Strat S/S/S wiring schemes


Hero Member
So I'm looking at having someone build me a loaded pickguard and came across a few wiring schemes, wanted some opinions on them - I would like the most tone variations possible from my custom strat, even though I've got an S/S/S config. I believe I have settled on the Fender Texas Special pickups, but some of these wiring schemes seem to boast about amazing things, and I wanted the board's opinion on whether they'll deliver or just add noise and confusion.

Option 1:
American 7 Way with TBX
Same as American 7 Way above except with added modification to include Fender TBX tone control for increased spectrum of tone control.

1. Bridge

2. Bridge / Middle

3. Middle

4. Middle / Neck

5. Neck

Plus with Push / Pull on:

3. Bridge / Middle / Neck

4. Bridge / Middle / Neck

5. Neck / Bridge

I believe the TBX in question is the "blender pot" config, does that sound right?

Option 2:
American Tone Master 10 Way
Our most advanced harness to date. It combines the switching options of 4 different Stratocaster guitar types and offers modes comparable to the Fender S-1 switching system. It has a total of 10 different tones

~ Station 1 ~

"Standard 5 Way Mode"

Traditional Tones

~ Station 2 ~

"Series Mode"

Humbucker Tones

~ Station 3 ~

"Neck / Bridge Mode"

7 Way Mode

~ Station 1 ~
1. Bridge

2. Bridge / Middle

3. Middle

4. Middle / Neck

5. Neck

~Station 2 ~

1. Bridge / Middle in Series

2. Bridge / Middle

3. Middle / Neck in Series

4. Middle / Neck

5. Neck / Middle in Series

Station 3

1. Bridge

2. Bridge / Middle / Neck

3. Bridge / Neck

4. Middle / Neck

5. Neck

Does anyone have these types of wiring schemes and if so, do you actually use them and find multiple settings that do you right, or should I just say F it and go with a standard 5 way wiring scheme? I believe I would rather have the range of tones if it's not a horrible (noisy) idea, but I'm leery of too many options with none of them being solid.

Sorry if this thread is a repeat, I did a search and didn't find anything. Thanks in advance for any insight you knowledgeable folks can give.
Well I like to have more options than the standard. I really like to have bridge / neck parallel and neck / middle series on a strat, that really does open things up. Here's a diagram I came up with that gives me a stock look, tons of tones, but also simplicity if i just leave the second tone pot alone. Yes it is a pain to wire up.
The second tone control is a push-pull, push to have the middle in series, twist to blend the neck and bridge pups.