
Strat-pocket heel on a Tele "Pro" neck?


Anyone know if Warmoth will do this?

I'm in the late planning stages of a soloist build and this [unfortunately] just hit me this morning. It says on the site that they can put either pocket on any body, only thing is, I'd prefer the strat pocket and heel shape, but want a reverse Tele headstock.

Why? Well to be perfectly honest, I can't say. Psychosomatic maybe, but I'd rather have a curved pocket than a flat pocket.

Anyone know? I'd e-mail Warmoth directly, but I've e-mailed them with so many questions, I'm begining to feel like I'm bugging them now :(
yup, i was going to do a tele with a diferent headstock and ordered the body with strat pocket, then i decided to stay all tele and they built the neck with a tele headstock and a strat heal
Awesome news, thank you very much :)

Was there any upcharge? Oh, and at what point did you tell them this? Did you order by phone or e-mail? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to cover all my bases.