
Strat Builder Issue


I'm trying to use the Body Builder to put together a Strat, specifically chambered and Walnut on Walnut.  If I use any wood other than Alder it doesn't let me choose any finish other than 'none' or 'clear'.  I'm not trying to build right now and my body will be clear satin when I get the money for it, but I'm not sure if this is by design or not.  It doesn't seem right that a different wood combination will lock up a bunch of finish options.

Thanks for reading.
In addition, when I've found genuine bugs in the builders, they've been not only responsive but have been really good about fixing stuff. As always, it really helps if you can give them a bug on a postcard with a pin through it with the scientific name below. If you're really vague or can't retrace your steps, it makes it less likely to get someones ear.
Pretty sure neither of you got the point.

The options I want to and will use when I actually build are available, I just thought it seemed like an oversight that when someone builds a chambered Strat with a wood that isn't Alder they can't use a finish that isn't clear.  I just wanted Warmoth to be aware of this if it is actually a problem and not by design.
I'd guess it's probably that way because putting paint over Walnut is a crime against nature.

The builder does not represent every option possible, it's just a helper.
you could email them about it, since this is an unofficial forum, this thread may or may not be seen by any of the Powers That Be.
Theres a million dif combos when putting together a build from a computer generated mock-up. So theres bound to be some errors, misscues, or whatever along the way.  It's best to do what you can on the mock-up, then call to verify.

That will get you the answer you need and bring to their attention a fault in the program