
So my neck arrived and the neck pocket is slightly too wide for it. What to do?


Junior Member
My Tele Deluxe neck arrived this morning and it's a really beautiful piece of work, only on fitting it into the neck pocket of the body I have, there is about a millimetre of space between the neck and the pocket. I'm not very happy about this, and am worried that it is going to compromise the build of the guitar. What can I do? Can a tech put a thin slice of wood in there? I'm worried that the neck will move about, not to mention the gap looks quite unsightly.

Here is a pic:

Hmm...Never had that happen. I've had the opposite where the neck is too wide for the pocket.  :dontknow:
Off hand I'd say your idea is a good one. I'd just make sure not to glue it in or anything, not until your sure. Before doing that lets wait to see if anyone has had that problem before.
I had the same issue using a Warmoth neck with a non-Warmoth body.

No big deal.  Once the neck is bolted into place, it ain't going anywhere.  Besides ... the Flying V bodies don't have any wood on either side of the neck.

If its an esthetic thing, I'm not sure there's much you can do.  If you're simply worried about structural integrety ... don't!
I guess I am being quite fussy, it'd hardly be noticeable. Yeah, both are Warmoth. I just worry that when it's bolted up it could move about. 
Yeah, it'll be fine.  I would raise an eyebrow as well, but it will be awesomesauce.

/em makes the Family Guy pointing Monkey face



I have some pics of the whole thing as it is here :

my deluxe had the same problem. with my strat i had to sand down the neck pocket to get the neck even close to fitting, but it dropped very loosely in to the neck pocket on my telecaster deluxe body. was a little worried at first, but i figure as long as it's bolted in well it'll be fine.
Thats a zero issue... it exists only in the brain of the beholder.  For therepy, go down and look at the Fender factory neck pockets...hehehhe
=CB= said:
Thats a zero issue... it exists only in the brain of the beholder.  For therepy, go down and look at the Fender factory neck pockets...hehehhe
That's about as accurate as it gets.  Fenders are horrible for it, but once bolted down they're fine.
Well, if you tug on it it will move but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Yes, you can stick a shim in there if you're overly concerned about it.

wondering if I should have posted this here or on a porn site forum???