
Silktone overdrive +


Experienced Member

Inbound (don't be jealous)
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Ok to all my Warmoth f*rt smellers, oh good grief, I mean SMART fellers. I have only given it an hour. Massive range of gain, mucho clarity, sounds like it is part of the amp more than many. The strangle is very very cool, it is the sound of rock and roll. As I read, you probably could get by with this as your only drive pedal. I tried it wound back some into a DOD Caracosa Fuzz it sounded wicked. Very nice and singing at low gain settings too. It does it's thing but also lets your guitar and amp do it's thing. Probably a no brainer keeper. Very low noise too. Spendy, but is really a 3 in one versatile.IMG_5719.jpg
Oh ya, MASSIVE output available as in dedicated boost pedal out put if wanted. It is a very naughty pedal.
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I've always been a huge fan of the cocked wah lead sound. I was the Tom Scholz in a Boston tribute for eight years, and I tried many things to get that tone. Best thing I ever found was a Daredevil Effects "Atomic Cock".


He's since rehoused it in a smaller enclosure and renamed it the "Atomic Cocked", which is a better name.

I guess.


But anywho, subsequent to that (and I'm now arriving at the point) he's released a new pedal called Cocked and Fearless, which I think might be similar to this Silktone, but with a sweepable/blendable cocked wah control, as opposed to the fixed "strangle" control.

I would add that even without the inductor/fixed wah boost, this pedal would still be pretty great.