
Showcase Search Filters - Any finish

  • Thread starter Thread starter swarfrat
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It'd be nice to have an 'Any Finished'  as opposed to 'Any finish, including unfinished' option when searching the showcase
swarfrat said:
It'd be nice to have an 'Any Finished'  as opposed to 'Any finish, including unfinished' option when searching the showcase

They sorta do that already. You can select finished vs. unfinished by neck type in general, then add search terms after the fact on the category results.
Yes, but that's only for specific body or neck types. If instead of trying to scarf a killer deal on a Les Paul body, I'm instead trying to look at as many finished korina tops as I can to see what kind of variation I might see and what to expect... it doesn't work so well. In this case I don't really care whether it's an LP, LPS, Tele, V, or whatever,  I just want to see some clear mahogany finishes. For less common woods, it's even more tedious to find finished examples.
Clear Mahagony finishes??? It looks just like mahagony. The clear is kind of a see thru finish so it's a little hard to see. It's easier to see through. Mahagony is a brownish color with maybe a little reddish tint. When clear is applied it takes on a nice brownish shade maybe with some reddish to it.
pabloman said:
Mahogany is a brownish color with maybe a little reddish tint. When clear is applied it takes on a nice brownish shade maybe with some reddish to it.

Are you sure? <grin>
Cagey said:
pabloman said:
Mahogany is a brownish color with maybe a little reddish tint. When clear is applied it takes on a nice brownish shade maybe with some reddish to it.

Are you sure? <grin>

Yeah, that doesn't sound right.
Are you trying to say that a brownish wood with a little reddish tint would take on a brownish shade maybe with some reddish to it when a clear finish is applied? :icon_scratch: