
Showcase Question ?


Hero Member
Hi all  :icon_biggrin:

I know if I was to get a unfinished body off the showcase. I can get that finished in colour of choice.
Just for instance this one in White ….

Now if I get a unfinished neck off showcase …..
Just for instance this one in White …
How do I get the same colour match up ? :icon_scratch: as there is no option for that buying from the showcase.

Do I go ahead & purchase body & neck of choice & in the neck section, select 'No Finish'
Then just add into 'Notes' for Warmoth to finish in the same colour as the body will be ?
(of cause pay the extra $$$ for this)

Will they do that on any neck ?
Or only on the Warmoth Pro Necks ?

Thanks  for  :help: ing
For any of the off-site options, you'll want to call or email.

(don't forget the stainless steel frets!)
Yep I just didn't want to hassle them, as I thought someone here might have already done this.
I'll find out, but I think thats what the extra notes are for.

SSFrets …. Of Cause  :icon_thumright:

Same sort of deal with Strat Bodies, most have a Tremolo Route.
But if you want a Hard Tail, there are no options, only No tremolo.

Then I don't know if that could be noted in the 'Notes' that you want a TOM etc
I haven't tried this, but will find out a bit more of what can be done or not via buying from showcase online.
Shall let ya know...

Thanks  AutoBat  :icon_biggrin:
A showcase body that says any trem can not be set up for a hard tail. it will already have the route for the trem springs but not the trem itself. So... you can't just choose "no trem" and then put a TOM on it.
Thanks DesmoDog  :icon_thumright:
Kind of thought that was the case

Yep I'm getting the idea now.  :sign13:
Sent email about the Neck finishing thou, just so I know now & for future reference.

There are so many options, I wasn't sure what could be done or not.

Thanks again cheers  :glasses9:
Always call if you have any weirdness in your order. They are well set up to take phone orders.
Updown said:
Yep I just didn't want to hassle them, as I thought someone here might have already done this.
I'll find out, but I think thats what the extra notes are for. 

Calling them for help on how to spend money on their products is definitely not a "hassle" for them. If it were, they'd be going out of business soon.

The folks who answer the phones there are very knowledgeable and more than willing to help. They know their business quite well, and by ordering that way, you remove many chances for miscommunication. This isn't a call center in India where they don't know a guitar neck from a turkey gizzard and are speaking through a language and culture barrier, these are professional guitar parts makers, and you're talking right to the factory. Many of them are musicians who build and play for themselves and in bands, so they're kindred spirits.

As far as I know, they won't finish necks in colors (other than vintage tint) at all unless you call, and you have to order a finished body at the same time. It makes sense - you want to shoot both the parts with color coat at once, or they won't match. Then they'd get complaints for something that really isn't their fault. Plus, once the gun is loaded with a particular color, you want to hit as many things as you can because you have to clean it before you change to something else.
I cal to order because I usually am ordering non typical, I have been told it is not a returnable item if sold a certain way, and that may be why they do not offer it in the showcase. they want to verify you want it that way.
Remember they are in the sales business and non typical, while covered by a charge, means it is sellable only to you. so it takes a phone call.
Thanks all for your input …  :icon_thumright:

I'm in OZ so a deal with them via email.
They are the very best & most helpful & supportive of any enquiry I have ever asked them.
Warmoth sure do have a fantastic, well run, organised business. All very helpful. Plus a HUGE array of choices.

OK … I got a reply email from them about my 1st question …

The colour I was inquiring about was … Antigua finish
I wanted the same finish on the Neck.
(I was hoping the whole neck would be Antigua finished) Like the Black finished necks. I have one of those.

On the Tele Deluxe body which I knew the finish, would cost $220

On the Neck (peg face only) will cost $125 with choice on the back of neck, clear / satin / nitro etc.

On the Tele Deluxe pickguard finished in Antigua will cost $100

As I said before none of these options show up in the showcase section when buying / checking out.

So the answer to my Q's & what needs to be done is (as I 1st thought)
quoted from email reply is….

You will need to request this work in the comments section of the order and acknowledge the price difference.

Hope this helps anyone else …. As it sure cleared up a few things for me.

Cheers all  :occasion14:

P.S Thanks to all here on this forum also .... for help, advice, wit, humour etc etc  :icon_thumright: